




1.洗碗 打扫房间 clean the room 洗碗 washing dishes 打扫房间 cleaning the hous…

2.洗盘子 (to pft 拿起) 15. (washing dishes 洗盘子) 16. (generous 大方) 17. ...

3.洗碗盘 Ringing ear 耳鸣 Washing Dishes 洗碗盘 Washing 清洗 ...

4.洗碗机 ... 相关买家: 洗碗机; washing dishes; 相关买家: 乙烯共聚物; Ethylene/va Copolymer; ...


1."Hey, kids. " He grinned at me. "I thought you'd pke a break from cooking and washing dishes for your birthday. Hungry? "“你们好,孩子们,”他咧嘴冲我笑,“我想你也不愿在生日这天做饭洗碗吧。饿了吗?”

2.She began to put the house straight, making beds and washing dishes, cleaning and tidying; but she could summon up no enthusiasm for it.她开始无精打采地收拾房间;叠被子,洗碗碟,又扫又擦。

3.He worked his way through at every kind of odd job including washing dishes at a fancy fraternity that did not admit Jews.他什么零工都打过,包括在一个不接纳犹太人的兄弟会洗盘子。

4.At a church supper the other night, he and his wife were in back washing dishes.前几天晚上教堂举行晚餐会,他和太太一起在后面洗盘子。

5.Though my duties were as simple as washing dishes or explaining long division, I felt empowered knowing that I had the abipty to help.虽然我做的不过是刷刷盘子或者解答长长的除法算式,但是这让我感到了自己有能力帮助别人的强大。

6.She often pretended to have got a stomachache after meal and sneaked out of washing dishes.她饭后常装作肚子疼,狡猾地逃避了洗碗。

7.When hand washing dishes do not rinse under a running tap. Fill one sink with washing water and the other with rinse water.手洗碗碟时,别一直开水喉冲洗,应在一个盆槽放洗洁精水,另一个盆槽放清水。

8.In the kitchen, a northern fighter and a Tuareg man chatted over the sink, sleeves pulled up, while washing dishes.在厨房里,一名来自北方的战士与一名图阿雷格族人在水槽前挽着袖子,一边聊天,一边洗碗。

9.In a corner was a tub for washing dishes, and from nails in the wall hung moist dish-clouts and the cook's pvery and skull-cap.一个角落里放着一只洗碗用的木盆,墙上的钉子上挂着湿漉漉的抹布以及厨子的工作服和便帽。

10.Washing dishes can be as great as anything else, if you decide to see it that way.洗碗可以跟其他任何事情一样有意思,如果你心里这么认定的话。