




1.打水仗 ... 掌柜热荐 » Hot hot dispensers 打水仗 » Water fight 我们需要洗碗吗? » Do we need to do the dishes? ...

2.水战成了一场水战。孩子会学到夏天是炎热的(Hot),以及消暑方法,和水战 (Water Fight) 的概念,亦可以学到生字例如水泡池(Pa…

3.户外活动打水仗 Sports Day 体能运动会 Water Fight 户外活动打水仗 Class Time 上课实况 ...

4.打水战 ... 自制太阳能烤箱 Make a solar oven 打水战 Water fight 创意点心 Making snacks ...


1.The weather was nice today. It seemed the god very loved us. After we played WATER FIGHT, we were all wet. But we all felt very happy.今天的天气不错,好似老天爷都挺眷顾我们。经过激烈的waterfight,我们很快就全部“湿身”了。但真是蛮开心的。

2.Why all this fuss? A water fight among playful youth at a water park.为何如此小题大作?原因出自贪玩的年轻人在一个水公园里的一场水仗。

3.Over the years, this traditional Thai New Year celebration has transformed from ceremonial sprinkpngs into the world's largest water fight.在过去的岁月里,泰国的这项传统庆典活动已经从仪式上的洒水演变成世界最大的“水战”了。

4.But outside of an all-out blue-water fight, the geopoptical utipty of China's amphibious force deserves a far more rigorous analysis.但是除了全面远海战斗,中国两栖军事力量的地缘政治效用值得我们进行更缜密分析。

5.A few shouts came from the water where some officers were having a water fight in the shallow surf.几个军官在浅水里打水仗,传来了几声嚷嚷声。

6.When the surfing time begins, there would be a host who warms the stage up, either sings or makes us have a water fight. or screams.一到冲浪的时候,就会有个主持人站在台上营造气氛,他要么唱歌,要么让我们打水仗,要么就让我们尖叫。

7.We have a water fight with you, please? Just play the game.我们与你打水仗好吗?只是玩玩游戏。

8.in 638, SongXiangGong of righteousness, and ChuJun led troops in congested water fight.638年,标榜仁义的宋襄公,率领军队,与楚军战于泓水。

9.Though to some, it might seem just an excuse for the biggest water fight of all time.也许对某些人来说这个泼水仪式只是借口让他们打场最过瘾的水战

10.Pull them out and throw one to your partner and then have a huge water fight.拿出来、扔给对方一只,然后开始打水仗。