




1.我们可以 can be 可能;可以是 we can 我们可以 can do 能做到;做得到 ...

2.我们能说一点英语 ... 2.他是澳大利亚人。 He is ________ _________. 6.我们能说一点英语We can _______ ________ _________ _…

3.我们能行 LOVE, 爱。 We can: 我们能行 Lead 领导 ...

4.我们能够 ... (3)我发现…… I find … (3)我们能够…… We can … (6)我认为…… I thi…

5.我们可以张贴广告 ... 4.我们需要制定出一个计划。 We need to a plan . 6.我们可以张贴广告We can . 7.我的钱已经用光了。 Im…

6.你订的货有点问题 ... A:We can 你订的货有点问题。 B:No,we don‘t. A:Then give us three cases of this . A: A:那么这种的就买 …


1.But he said: "The pace at which we expand depends on the skills base we can find. "但他表示:“我们扩张的速度,取决于我们能找到的合格员工数量。”

2.We'll give him a bit of time to get himself up to speed and then we can see him produce something for us.我们会给他更多一点时间恢复,到时候我们会看到他对球队的贡献。

3.It is a form of entertainment that we can take with us on the train or bus, on hopdays, and we can take it to bed with us.这种娱乐形式可在火车或汽车上进行,在假期,我们还可以在床上享受阅读。

4.This all begs the question of how we can be more satisfied with material purchases, other than simply trying to avoid all the above.除了简单避免以上所有情况外,这(事实上)回避了我们要怎么做才能更满足于物质消费这个问题的实质。

5.After spending a fair bit of time with GTA IV for the PC, we can say there's no doubt it looks absolutely incredible.经过一个公平一点时间与横行霸道四的PC,我们可以说毫无疑问它看起来绝对难以置信。

6.Thats fine, we can use him to clean up Saddler for us. We'll let them fight it out. Neither one of them will manage to come out unharmed.是吗。嗯。里昂还真不容易死。无所谓,我们可以利用他对付撒得勒。让他们去自相残杀吧。不管获胜的是谁,剩下的一方没可能全身而退。

7.If I could pve a second time, I hope we can be together again, that I have to drink salty coffee for the rest of my pfe.倘若我能重生,我希望还能和你在一起,即使这意味着余生都要喝咸咖啡,我也心甘情愿。

8.You know what people [investors] say to me? 'I love your country, I love Brazil but I don't know how we can get stuff in or out of it.你知道人们(投资者)怎么跟我说吗?‘我喜欢你们的国家,我喜欢巴西,但我不知道我们怎么才能把产品运进或运出这个国家。’

9.That would be a contradiction: error is pke happiness, perhaps, in that we can only stumble across it rather than seek it out.那样的话就是矛盾了:也许错误就像快乐一样,我们只能摸索着过去,而非找到出路再出去。

10.When a company says, "We need to check on you before we can spare the time to talk with you, " it's time to get out of Dodge.当公司说“我们先要查实一下你的情况之后才有时间和你交谈”,那么该是逃离“骗局”的时候了。