




1.我们都一样寂寞 ... 1.Day dreamer( 做白日梦的人) 2.We are all alone我们都一样寂寞) 3.Even now( …

2.我俩都孤独 [吉他谱|国外类] 我有个名字 i got a name [吉他谱|国外类] 我俩都孤独 we are all alone ...

3.我们都是孤独的 I know the truth is here 我知道真相就在此 We are all alone 我们都是孤独的 There's no one there 那里没有任何人 ...

4.我们的出生都是一样 ... 1. We are all alone 我们的出生都是一样 1. We are all born the same 我知道我们都是一样 ...


1.It's a shocking moment for each of us that moment we reapze we are all alone in this world.对于每个人来说意识到自己孤独的活在世上都是震惊无比的。

2.In the torrent of human thought, we are all alone, and both are in the world of lonely people pving . . .在人类思维的洪流中,我们都是一人,无论是在孤独的人的生活世界的…

3.Mary Mary, now that we are all alone, who's coming down to bring me home?玛丽亚,玛丽亚,现在我们都很孤单,谁来把我带回家呢?

4.I am pving at the Villa Borghese. There is not a crumb of dirt anywhere, nor a chair misplaced. We are all alone here and we are dead.我住在波勒斯别墅。四周没有一丁点儿脏东西,也没有一张椅子摆错地方。在这儿,我们都是孤独的,我们死了。

5.This is a favourite trick of Satan-to make us think we are all alone even in this.这正是撒但最喜欢采用的伎俩,他使我们以为自己是孤独无援,以致陷入自怜的心态。

6.'I have a plan, 'she told Ruth one evening. 'You must go to Boaz, explain that we are all alone and ask him to protect us. '“我有一个想法,”一天晚上,她告诉鲁思。“你必须去找波阿斯,说明我们都是孤单的,请求他保护我们。”

7.Because everybody knows that we are all alone因为每个人都知道我们都是孤独的