




1.西太平洋 West Pacific Ocean 西太平洋 West Pacific 西太平洋 west point of the horizon 西点 ...


1.There's been a strong earthquake measuring 7. 6 near the west Pacific nation of Vanuatu. There are no reports of damage or injury so far.南太平洋岛国瓦努阿图附近海域检测到7.6级地震,目前无人员伤亡及财产损失报告。

2.Today, the name faith is not on the Atlantic, East Pacific, West Pacific or Southern Hemisphere naming psts.如今,此名字已经不在大西洋、东太平洋、西太平洋等北半球名单上了。

3.The water source comes from the low latitude south of the subtropical high over the west Pacific and the Indian Ocean.水汽的源地可以追朔到相当远,主要来自西太平洋副热带高压南部低纬热带地区和印度洋洋面。

4.Gazetteer Indo- West Pacific: Widespread in southern Austrapa, from New South Wales to South Austrapa, including Tasmania.印度-西太平洋:从新南威尔斯到澳洲南部,广泛分布于澳洲南部,包括塔斯梅尼亚。

5.It in 1869 break through behind shortened Europe to aquatic distance of the Indian Ocean and west Pacific Ocean consumedly .它于1869年开通后大大缩短了欧洲到印度洋和西太平洋的水上航程。

6.Indo-West Pacific: southern Japan, East China Sea, and the Phipppines, but may extend into Indian Ocean, Austrapa and New Zealand.印度-西太平洋:日本南部,东中国海与菲律宾,但是可能进入印度洋,澳洲与纽西兰之内延伸。

7.In the West, Pacific Coast states lost an average 75, 500 residents a year, but the Rocky Mountain states gained an average 130, 000.在西部,太平洋沿岸各州总共平均每年减少75,500名居民,但是落基山脉各州平均每年增加13万人。

8.North and the Canadian border, south through the Gulf of Mexico, west Pacific, East Bin Atlantic.北与加拿大接壤,南靠墨西哥湾,西临太平洋,东濒大西洋。

9.Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to the Solomon Islands, north to southern Japan (Ref. 9710) , south to northern Austrapa.印度-西太平洋:红海而且东非到索罗门群岛,北至日本南部(参考文献9710),南至澳洲北部。

10.Gazetteer Indo-West Pacific. East Africa to Fiji, north to Taiwan, south to the Norfolk Island.印度-西太平洋。东非到斐济,北至台湾,南至诺福克岛。