




1.西街 ... 大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda 洋人街-西街 West Street 遇龙河竹筏漂流 Bamboo Raft Drifting ...

4.西大街夜景 咸阳博物馆 xianyang museum 西大街夜景 west street ...

5.主街西街这是谢菲尔德的主街西街West Street),两个车道,而且这两个车道是汽车和Tram(轻轨)共用。城市轻轨共三个车厢,每个 …

6.韦斯特街Kspace Luxury Serviced Apartments 酒店座落在设菲尔德 (Sheffield) 市中心的韦斯特街 (West Street),拥有一系列服务公寓。 …

7.西街吧酒吧地图网>>酒吧文化>>酒吧精彩设计 >>西街吧West Street)免费注册 - 帮助中心 - 关于我们 - 夜店品牌推广 - 广告业务 - …

8.西街监狱在这之前,他在纽约严格的西街监狱West Street)被关了几天,隔壁牢房关著黑帮组织「谋杀公司」的头目,绰号利普克(L…


1.At the beginning of this year, Big Tree decided to expend scale, he rented another bar in West Street.今年初,大树决定扩大规模,他租下西街上的另一家酒吧。

2.The poker room which he first invaded was over a saloon in West Street, near one of the ferries .他第一次去的那家赌场是在西街一家酒店的楼上,靠近一个渡口。

3.Tens of thousands of pghts have been pt up along the west street. A 60-meter dragon floats from the sky.成千上万的灯点亮了西街。一条60米长的龙在空中漂浮。

4.A day later, I unexpectedly met the couple again on a famous tourist street, West Street, also called Foreigners Street.一天后,我意外地遇到一个著名的旅游街的情侣再次,西大街,也被称为外国人街。

5.Starting from the bottom of Main Street, the first street on the left is West Street.从主大街的尾部开始,第一条在左边的街叫西街。

6.The name of the north-south orientation are all female names, while the east-west street names are all male names.南北走向的名称全部都是女性名称,而东西走向街道的名称却一律是男性名称。

7.The latter went in a hurry, but couldn't find the physician on East Street. So he fetched instead Veterinarian Wang of West Street. Mr.那家人急急忙忙地跑去,一时寻不着东街的汪大夫,却把西街牛医王大夫请来了。

8.Located in west street of Yangshuo Lijiang River bank of the Guipn scenic area South China . Scene Spot.四海饭店位于中国南部的桂林风景区,漓江岸边的阳朔县西街。

9.Masons employed kiln-fired brick to build multistory houses that were placed along north-south and east-west street grids.还有石匠用窑烧砖在东西和南北向的棋盘式街道边,建造多层的楼房。

10.John: Go along North Street. Turn left down West Street. Take the second turning on the right. That's Green Street.约翰:沿北街往前,向左转到西街,在第二个路口向右拐,那就是格林街。