




1.威斯敏斯特桥滑铁卢大桥( Waterloo Bridge )及西敏寺大桥( Westminster Bridge )中间,该中心是一座占地不小的综合艺术中心,音乐会那 …

6.西敏大桥枢纽,包含禁卫骑兵团、唐宁街10号、国宴厅、首相官邸、财政部长官邸都座落于此。再经过西敏大桥 (Westminster Bridge) …

7.西敏寺桥头一座座古老的、现代化风格的桥梁时,当我们站在著名的西敏寺桥头Westminster Bridge)近距离地欣赏着大笨钟(Big Ben…

8.威斯明斯特桥威斯明斯特桥(Westminster Bridge)上有位先生穿著苏格兰传统服饰正吹著安东尼追小甜甜的风笛 突然被老安东尼对面的一群人 …


1.Popce officers in riot wear contain student protesters on Westminster Bridge on December 9, 2010 in London, England.在防暴警察穿载有关于2010年12月9日在英国伦敦威斯敏斯特大桥上抗议学生。

2.Number one might be the Houses of Parpament and number two, Westminster Bridge.第一个可能是国会大楼,然后第二个是西敏大桥。

3.Proceeds from lotteries helped to fund repairs to the Cinque Ports on the Sussex and Kent coasts, and to build Westminster Bridge.来自彩票业的收益帮助修复了在苏塞克斯和肯特海岸的五港同盟,并修建了威斯敏斯特桥。

4.Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: What can they see on Westminster Bridge?听录音,然后回答问题:他们在威斯敏斯特桥上能看到什么?

5.Parpament, Westminster Bridge and the River Thames are enveloped in fog.英国议会、泰晤士河与威斯敏斯特桥被大雾所笼罩

6.The newlyweds ride a carriage across Westminster Bridge after their wedding ceremony on July 29, 1981.典礼之后新婚夫妇驾马车驶过威斯敏斯特大桥。

7.The view from the London Eye: Crowds pack Westminster Bridge as the royal barge and escort passes the Houses of Parpament俯瞰伦敦:当皇家游船驶过国会大厦时,威斯敏斯特大桥上人头攒动

8.Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September1802《作于西敏寺桥上》