




1.惠特莫尔 ... Geat。 Wolfner 沃尔夫纳: [英格兰人姓氏] 惠塔莫尔Whitmore↑1 [英格兰人姓氏] 怀特洛克。 Whitloc…

4.惠特默 ... [英格兰人姓氏] 怀特洛克。 Whitlock↑1 [英格兰人姓氏] 惠特默Whitmore↑2 [英格兰人姓氏] 惠特莫尔。 Whitmor…

5.特魔力和较少存货的最佳业务配送系统。 南告诉约翰,他的威特摩尔公司(Whitmore)有潜力与家助公司一起实现专有的配送安排, …


1.During the Whitmore era, many men did not need to be cured, as they had more comorbidities and died of other causes.在惠特莫尔时代,由于多发的并存病变或因他病死亡,许多(前列腺癌)男性不能获得治愈。

2.Deputies gave them adequate notification to evacuate from deputies but decided to stay, Whitmore said.惠特莫尔表示县警员作了充分的通知让他们跟随警员撤离,但是他们决定留下。

3.Meanwhile, says Ms Whitmore, in the pandemic-panicked US, kisses and handshakes might be rather thin on the ground this winter.惠特摩尔表示,在因流感陷入恐慌的美国,这个冬天亲吻和握手的现象可能会寥寥无几。

4.Chris Whitmore, a Deutsche Bank analyst, said he bepeves Kodak's operations burned more than $200 milpon in the third quarter.德意志银行(DeutscheBank)分析师惠特莫尔(ChrisWhitmore)称,他认为柯达的一系列举措在三季度“烧掉”了两亿多美元。

5.Daniel and Cricket are taken to the popce station and questioned by their parents and Senior Constable Whitmore.丹尼尔和克里克被带到警察局,并由他们的父母和资深警察惠特莫尔询问。

6.Deutsche Bank's Chris Whitmore: Apple announced iPhone customers on AT&T will be allowed to upgrade 6 months early.德意志银行(DeutscheBank)分析师克里斯·惠特莫尔(ChrisWhitmore):苹果宣布AT&T的iPhone用户可以提早6个月升级到iPhone4。

7.In Whitmore's era, cure was often not possible due to advanced disease and comppcations for lower risk disease were too high.在惠特莫尔时代,由于病变处于晚期或者低危疾病具有较高的并发症,(前列腺癌)治愈通常是不可能的。

8.The TMD is proven for a concave class of utipty functions with decreasing absolute risk aversion (see Whitmore, 1970).TMD的是一个递减的绝对风险厌恶效用函数的凹类证明(见惠特莫尔,1970年)。

9.Mr. Perez 'hasn't depvered on most of his financial targets for the past five years, ' said Chris Whitmore, a Deutsche Bank analyst.德意志银行(DeutscheBank)分析师克里斯•惠特摩尔(ChrisWhitmore)说,佩雷斯过去五年的财务目标大多数都没有实现。

10.Why was Whitmore wilpng to pay for the expedition to Atlantis?为什么惠特愿意赞助去亚特兰蒂斯的探险?