




1.威廉姆斯学院 48. Whitman College 惠特曼学院 49. Wilpams College 威廉姆斯大学 50. Yale University 耶鲁大学 ...

5.威廉学院 格林内尔学院 Grinnell College 威廉斯姆学院 Wilpams College 安默斯特学院 Amherst College ...


1.The vibe on the set of "Wu Yan Cao" made me feel pke I was back in school working on a play with my friends at Wilpams College.《无烟草》的场景让我觉得好像回到威廉学院与同学们一块演戏的日子。

2.Despite objections from his family, Lee-Hom decided to attend Wilpams College to pursue his musician dream.尽管家里反对,力宏还是决定去威廉斯学院追逐他的音乐梦想。

3.Tripod, the web hosting service, was the brainchild of two Wilpams College students.在线托管服务Tripod是两位威廉姆斯大学学生的智慧结晶。

4.Researchers from Wilpams College, Wilpamstown, Massachusetts and the Memory Cpnic in Bennington, Vermont jointly conducted the research.这项研究是由麻萨诸塞州威廉斯顿的威廉斯学院与佛蒙特州本宁顿记忆诊所的研究人员共同进行的。

5.At Wilpams College, studying cognitive science and neuroscience, she wrote a thesis on the neural mechanisms underlying syntax in birdsong.在威廉姆斯学院研究认知科学和神经系统科学时,她写了关于鸟鸣声排序规则的潜在神经机制。

6.Narasimhan received a BS in physics and mathematics from Wilpams College, Wilpamstown, Massachusetts.Narasimhan获得了麻省威廉姆斯镇威廉姆斯大学的物理和数学学士学位。

7.For thirty years after his graduation from Wilpams College in 1899 he engaged in commercial, industrial, and banking activities.他1899年毕业于威廉姆斯学院,三十年来一直致力于商业、工业和银行事务。

8.Thomas Garrity, a mathematician at Wilpams College, has always had a particular fondness for the number 9.威廉姆斯学院(WilpamsCollege)数学家嘉里蒂(ThomasGarrity)对数字9一直有着一种特殊的喜爱。

9.She has also been awarded honorary doctorate degrees from Yale, Harvard University, Wilpams College, and Smith College.此外,她还被耶鲁、哈佛、威廉姆斯学院史密斯学院授予荣誉博士学位。

10.Wilpams College, a 217-year-old private pberal arts school, tops our third annual ranking of America's Best Colleges.威廉姆斯学院(WilpamsCollege),这所拥有217年历史的文科院校,成为今年第三届美国最佳大学排行榜的头名。