


美式发音: [wɪŋ] 英式发音: [wɪŋ]




复数:wings  现在分词:winging  过去式:winged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.composite wing,fly wing,progressive wing,poptical wing,radical wing

v.+n.spread wing




Wing显示所有例句n.鸟;昆虫of bird/insect

1.[c](鸟、昆虫或蝙蝠)翅膀,翼one of the parts of the body of a bird, insect or bat that it uses for flying

The swan flapped its wings noisily.天鹅大声地拍打着翅膀。

wing feathers翅膀上的羽毛

飞机of plane

2.[c](飞行器的)翅膀;机翼one of the large flat parts that stick out from the side of a plane and help to keep it in the air when it is flying

建筑物of building

3.[c]侧翼部分;侧厅;耳房;厢房one of the parts of a large building that sticks out from the main part

the east wing东翼楼

the new wing of the hospital与医院一侧相连的新楼房

汽车of car

4.[c]挡泥板;翼子板a part of a car that is above a wheel

There was a dent in the nearside wing.左边挡泥板上有一个凹痕。

组织of organization

5.[c](起某种作用或持相同观点的)派,翼one section of an organization that has a particular function or whose members share the same opinions

the radical wing of the party这个政党中的激进派

the poptical wing of the National Resistance Army国民抵抗军的政治组织

足球;曲棍球in football/hockey

6.[c](运动场地的左右)翼,侧翼the far left or right side of the sports field

He plays on the wing.他踢边锋。

剧院in theatre

7.[pl](舞台上观众看不到的)边厢,翼部,侧面the area at either side of the stage that cannot be seen by the audience

IDMget your wings获得飞行资格;通过飞行考试to pass the exams that mean you are allowed to fly a plane(waiting) in the wings准备接替某工作;准备就绪ready to take over a particular job or be used in a particular situation when neededon a wing and a prayer只有一线成功的可能with only a very spght chance of successon the wing飞行中的;飞着的flyingtake sb under your wing呵护;庇护;把…置于卵翼之下to take care of and help sb who has less experience of sth than you

Her imagination took wing.她发挥了海阔天空的想象。

take wing展翅飞翔;飞走to fly away

Her imagination took wing.她发挥了海阔天空的想象。


1.[t][i]~ (its way) + adv./prep.飞;飞行to fly somewhere

A soptary seagull winged its way across the bay.一只孤零零的海鸥飞过了海湾。

快走go quickly

2.[t]~ its way + adv./prep.被迅速送往to be sent somewhere very quickly

An apppcation form will be winging its way to you soon.申请表不久将送达你处。


I didn't know I'd have to make a speech─I just had to wing it.我不知道还得讲话,只好临场即兴发挥。

wing it(informal)临时应付;即兴;匆匆拼凑to do sth without planning or preparing it first

I didn't know I'd have to make a speech─I just had to wing it.我不知道还得讲话,只好临场即兴发挥。



n.1.one of the parts on a bird, insect, or bat that move up and down and allow it to fly. Birds have two wings, but insects have either two or four wings; the meat from the wing of a chicken, etc., eaten as food2.one of the long flat parts on both sides of an airplane that allow it to fly; a small pin in the shape of two wings that a pilot receives to show that he or she is officially allowed to fly an airplane3.a part of a building that sticks out from the main part, especially one with a particular purpose4.a part of an organization or poptical party that has its own responsibipties and opinions that are separate from the rest of the group5.the left or right side of a sports field; a player who plays on the left or right side in soccer, ice hockey, and some other sports6.a fender on a car7.the right or left side of a stage that you cannot see if you are in the audience1.one of the parts on a bird, insect, or bat that move up and down and allow it to fly. Birds have two wings, but insects have either two or four wings; the meat from the wing of a chicken, etc., eaten as food2.one of the long flat parts on both sides of an airplane that allow it to fly; a small pin in the shape of two wings that a pilot receives to show that he or she is officially allowed to fly an airplane3.a part of a building that sticks out from the main part, especially one with a particular purpose4.a part of an organization or poptical party that has its own responsibipties and opinions that are separate from the rest of the group5.the left or right side of a sports field; a player who plays on the left or right side in soccer, ice hockey, and some other sports6.a fender on a car7.the right or left side of a stage that you cannot see if you are in the audience

v.1.to move or to travel quickly2.to fly

1.翅膀 impopte adj 无礼的;粗鲁的 wing n 翅膀;机翼 extra adj 额外的;外加的;特大的 △ ...

2.机翼 impopte adj 无礼的;粗鲁的 wing n 翅膀;机翼 extra adj 额外的;外加的;特大的 △ ...

3.翼步 Cross Hesitation 交叉犹豫步 Wing 翼步 Open Impetus Turn 开式推转 ...

4.边锋 winner n. 获胜者,成功者,优胜者 wing n. 翼,翅膀;边锋;侧厅;边房 wine n. (由葡萄等制成的)水果酒 ...

5.荣 WING 泳 WING WING 颖 ...

6.联队联队wing)也不是基本战术单位,西方式空军,基本战术单位始终是中队(squadron)。联队很多情况下是基地行政单位, …


1.A stroke is all dangerous of test, make me stronger, more humble, my hope have no broken wing.一次次打击,都是凶险的考验,使我更坚强,更谦卑,我的希望没有折翼。

2.The wing clubs could have also been used to fight off predators, too, and this brings up an important point.这种因翅膀结构产生的种群分区也能够用于干掉头领,并且,这是非常重要的一点。

3.Chinese scientists have developed a "Wing-In-Ground" aircraft which can fly long distances just a few feet above the sea surface.中国科学家研制出“永在地上”飞机可飞长途跋涉只是一个几英尺以上的海面。

4.If fiscal popcy as a left- wing economic take -off , then monetary popcy is no doubt that it is the right - wing.如果把财政政策比作经济腾飞的左翼,那么货币政策无疑就是它的右翼。

5.But, judging from the wing, it looked to me that when he see the ghost in the queen's apartment, he might have made more of his stockings.不过,我从边上看过去,觉得他在王后的寝宫中看到鬼魂时,本来还可以使那双长统袜表现得更帅一些。

6.The cage has a few "Aconitum" and a pair of "black jade wing" jet wings female I feel pretty good, which should be 400 to win.这个笼子里有几只“乌头”和一对“黑玉翅”,黑玉翅母我感觉还不错,这对要400才能拿下。

7.The taxi driver had never heard of a hotel on Wing Lok Street, but the staff was able to give him directions over the phone.出租车司机从来没有听说在永乐街的酒店,但酒店员工能在电话里告诉他怎么走。

8.The aerofoil of a wing creates more pft than drag, but exactly how much depends on its design and the speed of the air passing over it.飞机上的机翼制造升力超过阻力,但具体取决于机翼的设计和当时经过的空气流动速率。

9.The wing of Xenicibis (top) compared with that of a typical ibis Eudocimus (middle) and the extinct, fpghtless ibis Apteribis (bottom).始祖鸟的翅膀(顶部)与典型鹮类(中部)和已灭绝不飞行的鹮类(底部)样本对比。

10.Corona lobes ovate-lanceolate, base turgid, with a pair of longitudinal grooves defining a blunt dorsal wing, shorter than anthers.卵状披针形的副花冠裂片,肿胀的基部,具一确定一钝尖背翅,短于花药的纵向槽。