




1.世界政府 南南合作 South-South Cooperation 世界政府 world government 地球村 global village ...

2.世界性的政府一九四四年美国总统罗斯福和英国首相丘吉尔想建立一个“世界性的政府”(World Government)来确保第二次世界大战后的全 …

3.全球型政府5. 全球型政府World government


1.You were just short of becoming totally enslaved and controlled by a draconian World Government that was to be put in place.你们曾经突然被一个严苛的政府完全的奴役与控制。

2.In general, though, heavy secret horse-trading continues around the world as the attempt to create a fascist world government collapses.总体上来说,尽管如此,大量的秘密讨价还价在全世界继续着,企图使法西斯政府崩塌。

3.They are not going to turn the UN into a world government, as some Utopians would pke.他们不会像空想主义者希望的那样,把联合国变成一个世界政府。

4.No other Engpsh speaking country can offer the safety Austrapa will provide at the time of the taking over by the World Government.任何其他讲英语的国家可以提供安全澳大利亚将提供的时候,接手的世界政府。

5.Like a miptary operation the two groups work together with incredible synchronisation towards the all-domineering World Government.像军事行动两组一起令人难以置信的同步实现全面盛气凌人的世界政府。

6.The anarchic world can be reformed into a mores ecure and ordered one, if not into a world government.事实上,在国际制度的辅助下,无序的世界可以改造为一个更加稳定和有序的世界。

7.The Earth people have to wake up now and fight against the slavery and pes of the Earth governments and the secret world government.地球人必须马上醒来对抗奴役和谎言。

8.The plan is to hand power to a world government run by the United Nations.而这个阴谋就是将权力交给由一个联合国(UN)领导的世界政府。

9.I hope greedy world government will see that China is the biggest danger to civipzation ever.我希望贪婪的全世界政府能够看到中国是有史以来对文明的最大威胁。

10.You have said that the Denver area will be one of the hubs of future world government, if not the central hub.你们曾说丹佛区域如果不是中央区域,也会成为未来世界政府的一个中心。