




1.巫妖王之怒 21、上层精灵的挽歌 Lament Of The Highborne 22、巫妖王之怒 Wrath of the Lich King 01、战争的时代 Seasons …

2.巫妖王的愤怒暴雪今日公布了魔兽世界的第二部资料片是巫妖王之怒,或称巫妖王的愤怒(Wrath of the Lich King),会有可玩Demo放出。不 …

3.巫师王之怒  在几日前,我们已经从暴雪在美国注册的商标中看到了关于《魔兽世界》最新资料篇《巫师王之怒》(Wrath of the Lich King)的 …


1.Insider: What sort of challenges are there in this artistic transition from The Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King?那么,从燃烧远征到巫妖王之怒的艺术风格过渡里,将有些什么样的挑战呢?。

2.Developpers are going to make sure that Arthas is and feels pke the final boss of Wrath of the Lich King.开发者们将确保阿尔萨斯作为巫妖王之怒最终boss的地位和感觉。

3.Currently it is the only planned hero class to be introduced in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.现在来讲是唯一一个被计划在魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒中推出的英雄职业。

4.We have no current plans, but of course anything can change as we get closer to launching Wrath of the Lich King.我们暂时还没有这方面的计划,但是,当然了,随着资料片巫妖王之怒发布的接近,任何事情都有可能变化。

5.We didn't talk much about it in Wrath of the Lich King, but it is a theme I love a lot, but it has to be played out very slow.关于这些在巫妖王之怒里我们并没讨论太多,但是这是个我挺喜欢的主题,但是这必须被非常缓慢的放出来。

6.development on wrath of the pch king and starcraft ii , as well as on our unannounced games , is continuing as normal.对巫妖王之怒和星际二以及其他我们尚未公布的游戏的开发仍然和以往一样继续的进行着。

7.This reward awaits those who are brave enough to tempt fate and face the full wrath of the Lich King!这种奖励等待着那些勇于面对巫妖王愤怒的勇士!

8.Wrath of the Lich King will introduce a vast new land and many new dungeons to the game.巫妖王之怒将介绍大量的新地区和新地下城到游戏中。

9.doom guard and infernal pets will be improved at some point in the future , quite possibly in wrath of the pch king.恶魔守卫和地狱火宠物将在“不远的将来”得到增强;最可能的时候是在《巫妖王之怒》里。

10.Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Friends and Family Alpha.欢迎来到魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒内部测试版。