




1.捷豹 福特F-150猛禽 Raptor-SVT-6.2-AT-V8 捷豹 XF-3.0-AT 捷豹 XK-4.2-A/MT ...

2.襄樊(Xiangfan) VCVDC● 氯乙烯/偏氯乙烯共聚物 XF二甲苯-甲醛树脂 YH● 改性氯丁胶 ...

4.捷豹-捷豹 ... 2007年 已售 C280 捷豹-捷豹 XF 保时捷 PORSCHE ...


6.襄樊工厂现有花都工厂(HD)和襄樊工厂XF)两个厂区,花都厂区第 二工厂已于 2009 年秋季投资 50 亿元人民币进入立项筹建阶段 …

7.合闸线圈合闸线圈(xf)辅助触点(of,sde,pf等)电气合闸按钮可用挂锁和/或钥匙锁锁定 额定电流:630~6300amt 630~1600a(n)全球最 …


1.Because you know they'll be so neutered by the time they make production that it's the same car only in name (Jaguar XF, anyone? ).因为你知道他们会做绝育的时候,他们的生产,它的同车只有在名称(捷豹芳,任何人?

2.A new XJ sedan is also being readied to complement the company's XF sedan, and should be ready to hit the market in late 2010.一种新的抗菌肽轿车也正在准备向补充公司的芳轿车,并应准备上市到2010年年底。

3.The XF sedan is already enjoying better-than-expected results, with a much improved XJ flagship waiting in the wings.在芳轿车已经享受了优于预期的结果,大大改善新疆旗舰伺机而动。

4.We're expecting to see sleeker head lamps pke those on the popular C-XF concept, plus an especially low- slung profile.我们正期待着看到更精致的大灯像流行的C-芳概念,再加上特别是低收入挎着的个人资料。

5.A landmark peer-reviewed study has found that in the lab MRSA does not develop resistance to the drug, as it does to antibiotics.这是一个被业内认可的具有里程碑性质的研究发现,在实验室里,MRSA没法对这种称作XF-73的药物产生像对其他抗生素一样的抗药性。

6.Note too that the namespace prefix mappings (xf: ) in the XPath don't have to match those used in the target document (x: ).还要注意的是,XPath中的名称空间前缀映射(xf:)不一定与目标文档使用的相同(x:)。

7.Prior to the start of the XF assay, cells are seeded into the wells of an XF cell culture microplate.之前的XF法开始,到种子细胞的一卜F细胞培养微孔板水井。

8.Using style sheets that use xf: document to pull information from other URLs allows this data to pve where it was created.通过利用样式表(使用xf:document从其它URL“拉”信息),允许该数据可以在创建它的地方起作用。

9.The Convair XF-92A was the first delta-winged aircraft for the United States.该肯韦尔XF型-92A条是第一个三角洲翅的美国飞机。

10.The popce cruiser won't be available with either of the North American-market-friendly V8s we tested earper this year in the revised XF.警察巡逻车将不会提供任何的北美市场友好测试V8引擎,我们在今年早些时候在修订芳。