


英文单词:X. Z.; 西藏; 徐州


1.X. Z.

2.西藏 宁夏/ nx/ 西藏/ xz/ 内蒙古/ nmg/ ...

3.徐州 厦门 http://xm.58网址被屏蔽/ 徐州 http://xz.58网址被屏蔽/ 湘潭 http://xiangtan.58网址被屏蔽/ ...

4.星座 搞笑|商贸 sm/default.asp 星座 xz/default.asp 图书 ts/index.asp ...

5.正平面 ... 年级 NJ 学制 XZ 考试成绩 DZ ...

7.星运 sx, 收信 xz, 星座, 星运 gp, 股票 ...


1.All the 21 geometric errors can be obtained by the means of measuring volumetric errors on some specific circles in XY, YZ, XZ planes.该方法通过测量XY,YZ,XZ平面内特定圆周上各点的空间误差,可获得所有21项几何误差。

2.Potala Palace in XZ, the world's highest city. Since the opening of the Qinghai-TB Railway, there is no longer a dream of heaven.布达拉宫,世界上海拔最高的城市,自从青藏铁路通车后,那里已经不是梦的天堂。

3.Liao MZ, Liu XZ, Fu JH, et al. Surveillance of behaviors of men having sex with men in Shandong.廖玫珍,刘学真,傅继华,等。山东省男性同性恋者综合行为监测情况分析。

4.Thus, for English crosswords, combinations like "an" and "he" will be likely, while "xz" will be unlikely.这样,对英文纵横字谜来说,“an”和“he”将是合适的组合,而“xz”将不是。

5.This is not to say "xz" is impossible, only that a crossword generated with it will not score highly.这并不是说“xz”不可能出现,而只是说使用它生成的纵横字谜没有多高的价值。

6.The XZ-SJ extendible heater was a valid heating device for the oil transportation in winter in northern china.SJ型伸缩式加热器的使用可有效地解决北方冬季无加热装置油罐车长途运输卸车问题。

7.Its second (ory-) coordinate is its distance from the XZ plane, with locations on the -Y side of this plane having negative y-coordinates.它的第二个(或y)座标是其与XZ平面之距离,位置是在-Y侧的则有负y座标。

8.The antibiosis, tolerance and non preference of hybrid wheat varieties and its series were tested.对XZ系列杂种小麦及其亲本分别进行了抗生性、耐害性和不选择性测定。

9.But the presence of the Tibetan spiritual leader on Taiwanese soil has already been condemned by China.但北京对XZ精神领袖DL到访台湾已经表明了谴责的态度。

10.Mode 2 applies spin on they axis to the craft to help stabilize its attitude in the xz plane.模式2将转轴置于航空器的y轴,以帮助航空器能在xz平面上稳定其姿态。