


网络释义:杨;Yasaka Extra Offensive;女人


1.杨 曾: Tay Yeo 李: Lee ...

2.Yasaka Extra Offensive [ya] 棒球 ?: ?? [yeo] 女人(性,子) ?:? [yo] 褥子 ? :?? ...


1.Mr Yeo and his slate aside, both opposition and government can claim some sort of satisfaction from the election result, as can voters.杨荣文及其团队除外,反对党与政府都从选举的结果中得到了满意的结果,选民也较满意。

2.Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo is about to visit China tomorrow. Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will host talks with him.新加坡外长杨荣文将于明天访问中国,杨洁篪外长将同他举行会谈。

3.Ms. Lee said she was walking from her home to work Tuesday afternoon when the shelpng began.LeeKil-yeo说,周二下午炮击开始的时候,她正步行去上班。

4.A sense of resignation eventually set in among the other experts as Mr. Yeo fielded question after question.杨天命回答了一个又一个问题,其他专家终于露出了一些失落感。

5.Yeo, though, said Google's China-based employees have not faced restrictions that are much different from those elsewhere in the company.但是Yeo表示谷歌中国部的员工并没有受到限制,这与公司其他分部情况不一样。

6.Yeo says in an interview it is a great mistake to assume China is "completely off the page" on cpmate change.杨在一次访问中说,推测中国在气候变化方面已经完全背离了协议是一个巨大的错误。

7.'Maybe someone should present him with a Mickey Mouse hat, ' Mr. Yeo said.杨天命说,也许有人应该给他一顶米老鼠帽子。

8."For the Chinese Singaporeans, Chinese culture and the Chinese language must be an organic part of their pves" , said BG Yeo at the launch.杨荣文准将在开幕礼上说:“对华族新加坡人来说,华族文化和语言应该成为他们生活中一个有机的组成部分。”

9.The change 'significantly alleviates the earper WTO problems, ' said Matthew Yeo, a lawyer with Steptoe & Johnson LLP in Washington.华盛顿世强律师事务所(Steptoe&JohnsonLLP)律师马修约(MatthewYeo)说,这一变更明显减轻了原先版本中可能违反世贸组织规则的问题。

10.Upon disciple Jui Khin Yeo 's request (see emails below) I had written in Chinese a Supppcation to Medicine Guru Buddha.应弟子杨惟钦之请(请看下面的电邮),我已写成一篇中文的药师琉璃光如来启请颂。