




1.鹰击量和服务上存在一定的差异,所以售价也存在差异,比如盈佳(YJ)816号/C8816A售价为60元,而智通(KILTER)8816A双惠装 …

3.奕剑 魔方吧 MF8 永骏 YJ 奇积 QJ ...

5.金羽(Yu jin)ang (DX) Cooperated with Yu jin (YJ) on Gastrointestinal Movement——Pharmacological effect of different part of DX cooper...

6.邮简简(PJ)、纪念邮资邮简(YJ) 、东北邮资邮简(DJ);第四大类是邮资信卡;第五类军用明信片、邮简分军用明信片(JYP) 、军邮 …

7.鹰击系列个人认为就只有长剑系列(CJ)以及鹰击系列YJ)比较尖端,其它新品种以及尖端产品我国保留了的没拿出来,比如DF41和 …


1.She goes to the chairman and tells him that YJ is going out with EJ and that EJ is an unwed mother.户主名是恩在,于是她告诉父亲毅俊和恩在在约会而且恩在是个未婚妈妈。

2.For men, HIV must enter through a cut or abrasion on the penis, through the lining of the urethra inside the penis.对于男性而言,HIV必须通过YJ上的割伤或擦伤,或是通过尿道膜进入YJ。

3.Objective: To research the influence of different part of DX cooperated with YJ on pathological pattern animal.目的:研究丁香配伍郁金后不同有效部分对模型动物胃肠运动的影响。

4.Plus, you'll feel the enjoyable vibrations in the shaft of your penis.此外,你也会从YJ柱中体验到震动的快乐。

5.However, the development of the YJ-1 had encountered serious technical problems and the project was eventually given up in the late 1980s.然而,YJ-1的发展遇到严重的技术问题,而且计划最后在1980年后期被放弃。

6.M is so scared and pull YJ to run away. He certainly doesn't want YJ to become bald now.M非常害怕,赶忙拉着勇俊跑了出去,他当然不想让勇俊变成秃头了。

7.WK : How come you drank so much? YJ please be quiet and get up.宇京:你怎么能喝得这么醉?允景,请你静下来,起来。

8.CI receives his father's letter from YJ and shows up at the operation room as the surgeon for SW. . .超仁从英芝手中接过父亲给他的信,然后作为善宇的主治医师出现在手术室外…

9.It is claimed that the YJ-62 uses strap-down inertial guidance coupled with GPS, and active radar for the terminal phase.据称YJ-62采用了惯性导航系统,并通过GPS系统进行修正,在飞行末段,使用主动雷达导引头。

10.The torpedo tubes can also be used to launch Chinese indigenous YJ-82 anti-ship missiles.鱼雷管也能用来发射中国本国的YJ-82反舰导弹。