




1.你是我老婆 ... 我真的受伤了:: I have been really hurt 你是我老婆 :: You are my wife 我是一只鱼 :: I'm a fish ...

2.我是你妻子 54064—— 我是你老师 I am your teacher 54074—— 我是你妻子 you are my wife 543720—— 我是真心爱你 I really love you ...

3.你是我的爱妻 ... You are my pfe. 你是我的生计。 You are my wife. 你是我的爱妻。 You are my lover. 你是我的心 …

4.你是我女人 ... Du bist meine Frau\You are my wife. 你是我女人 Du bist mein Mann\You are my husband. 你是我男人 ...


1.Still deeply love you, and you are my wife, I am sure you do not want to see it in the album of photos he kept, which is a kind of stimulus.依然非常爱你,你是我的妻子,我相信你不希望看到它在相册里的照片,他不断的发,这是一种刺激。

2.In particular, this leaves so completely to one side the category of femininity, since I took the example of "you are my wife" .特别是,这将女性化的范畴完全摆置在一旁,因为我引用的例子是:「你是我的妻子」。

3.dear, whatever kind, I would be forever at of! Remember? You are my wife!亲爱的,无论怎么样,我都会永远在的!记得吗?你是我老婆!

4.i don t change . for my part , since you are my wife , i should prefer that you should stay under my roof in dignity and quiet.我是不变的,在我这方面看来,你既是我的妻,我便愿你高贵地安静地住在我的家里。

5.HEROD Of a truth, dear and noble Herodias, you are my wife, and before that you were the wife of my brother.实际上,亲爱的高贵的希罗底,你是我的妻子;而在那以前,你是我哥哥的妻子。

6." You still have to help them? Why? You are my wife, you should stand by me, why do you help them? " Cheng Yakun roared.“你还是要帮他们吗?为什么?你是我的老婆,你应该站在我这边的,为什么你却帮着他们?”成亚坤怒吼着。

7.Well I gave up nothing, I feel sorrow for them, I had more because you are my wife.我并无所失,却为他们叹息,因为我已经拥有更多,我有你,我的妻子。

8.Don't push me, you are my wife? Driving me nasty, I love you!别逼我,你不就是我老婆吗?把我逼急了,我爱死你!

9.Hatshepsut, you are my wife now, I can't bepeve it.哈特谢普苏特,你现在是我的妻子了,我简直无法相信!

10.I considered at its time and in its place the famous "you are my wife" .(第十)在订盟约的时间及地点,我考虑到这个著名的「你是我的妻子」。