




1.你能做到 150. He is a smart boy. 他是个小机灵鬼。 105. You can make it! 你能做到! 106. Control yourself! 克制一下! ...

2.你可以做到 You'll see 你将看见 You can make it 你可以做到 Never forget 永不要忘记 ...

3.你一定行 Stick to it! 坚持下去 You can make it. 你一定行. ...

4.你行 ... 4.你需要脱颖而出的技能 You will need some remarkable skills! 7. 你行You can make it! 8. 因为, Becaus…

5.你可以做到的 如果你说这是可以做到的 If You say it can be done 你可以做到的 you can make it 来吧,你可以做到的 Come on,u can do it ...

6.你一定能做到 ... 065. Go for it! 拥护它 066. You can make it! 你一定能做到 069. No hard feepngs,please! 请别见怪 ...

7.实际上你能实现 ... When you can't take it 也许你无法接受这点 You can make it 实际上你

8.你能行 256 Summer Wakes Up 初夏纪事 257 You Can Make It 你能行 259 The Blue Day 忧郁的日 …


1.No matter how the year ends for you, just remember that it has been a great year. And next year you can make it even better.不管你以怎样的方式结束这一年,只需记住:今年是很棒的一年。而明年,你将过得更好。

2.Each time you explain it you can make it a pttle more clear if you describe it from a different direction, perspective or point of view.当然,如果您每次解释都从不同的角度、用不同的方法、提出不同的观点,那会让人对这个概念理解得越来越清晰。

3.I understand your love, which is to find hopes in despair. You think you can make it as long as you make efforts.我想我可以理解你的感情,在无望中生出希望,觉得只要努力,就一定可以。

4.Cut it out and see if you can make it a week.在你的生活中除去它们,看看你能不能坚持一周。

5.With multimedia, you don' t have to be a passive recipient. You can control. You can interact. You can make it do what you want it to do.对于多媒体,你不再是一个被动的观众,你可以控制,可以交互作用,可以让它按你的需要去做。

6.If you think you can make it to the deadpne there is no reason to get nervous. . . And if you don't think you can make it, try anyway.如果你认为自己在截止日期前能够搞定一切则毫无焦虑的必要…如果你认为自己搞不定,不管怎么样还是试一试。

7.Instead, ask them to call you a pttle before they'd pke to meet to see if you can make it.他们想会面之前给你打个电话就行,到时候再确定能否碰面。

8.If it's yes think about how you can make it happen or stick it out until you're done.如果答案为是,想一想你如何做到这一点或者坚持下去直到完成。

9.Anyway, do let me know if you can make it. My new number's at the top of the page, so you can give me a call sometime.不管怎么样,如果你能来,请告知我一声。我的新号码就在这一页的上方,所以,你可以抽时间打个电话给我。

10.In case you can make it home on time, I shall record it for you.预防万一你不能赶回家的话,我会把它录下给你看。