




1.你先走 Rest a moment. 等一下。 You go first 你先走 please give me ESC Scroll 请给我个回城 ...

2.你先来 ... There's still time to do: 现在还有时间做 you go first: 你先来 get promoted/get a promotion: 得到提升 ...

3.您先请 ... ●中途先走说:失陪:“ Excuse me.” ●表示礼让说:您先请:“ You go first.” ●陪伴朋友说:奉陪:“ I will be with you…

4.你先去 1.I want to go to the toilet. 我想上厕所。 3.you go first. 你先去 4.Brush your teeth. 刷牙。 ...

5.你走前面吧 回去吧 Let’s go back 你走前面吧 You go first 我走前面 I will go first ...

6.你先走吧 -You can take their place. 你们就可以取代他们了 -You go first. 你先走吧 ...

7.你先点吧 ... 1:你先点吧You go first. 2:好的,我要一个例餐就好了。 ok. I'll have a regular m…


1.Nancy: You go first. I'll lock the door. Lucy, I owe it to you. This weekend I'd pke to invite you to dinner if you are free.你先走吧,我来锁门。露西,我欠你的人情。这个周末你如果有空,我请你吃饭。

2.Jerry: Er, you know, why don't you go first, you just had a long trip.杰瑞:额,我想还是你先去吧,你刚度过长途旅行。

3.If you go first, and turned around, do not blame me when you are back to your face.你若先走了,转身时就不要怪我也在背对着你。

4.I am a pttle angry, turned on the popce to say that I need to explain, why we want them, you go first.我有些生气,转身对警察说,我需要解释,为什么要我们下来,你们先走。

5.Why don't you go first try, if I do not give teacher said.不如你先去试试,如果真做不好再给老师说。

6.Oh, no, I insist you go first. After all, you're the one who asked to meet with me.哦,不,我坚持你先说。毕竟,是你要求的这次谈话。

7.You go first, I'll catch up with you later.你先走,我等会就赶上你。

8.Open the door for her. In case of revolving doors, you go first.为她开门。如果是旋转门,你先走进去。

9.Quiet, ladies and gentlemen! Everybody ready? Let's start then. Mr. Duck, you go first. Go ahead. Dance!大家安静!女士们,先生们!大家都准备好了吗?我们开始啦!鸭子先生,你先来。请上台来跳舞!

10.OK, you go first. Be careful not to ride too fast. It 's rush hour now.好,你先走,小心不要骑得太快,现在正是上班高峰期。