




1.你出去 ... I wish I could help him. 我希望我能帮助他。 You go out你出去! May you be hap py. 祝你幸福。 ...

2.你滚出去 ②Tom,you stand there;Jerry,you come here! 汤姆,你站在那里;杰丽,你过来! ①You go out! 你滚出去! ①Out you go! 你滚出 …


1.And whoever does not receive you nor hear your words, as you go out of that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.凡不接待你们,不听你们话的,你们离开那家或那城的时候,就把脚上的尘土跺下去。

2.She tried to talk sense to him. "Can't you go out with your hands up? " she asked. "Figure another way out of this. "“难道你不能举起双手走出去吗?”她试着跟他讲道理,“除了这个,你再想想别的办法。”

3.If you go out with friends and have a few drinks, maybe somebody will get up the nerve to ask, "So, how was the last time you had sex? "如果你和朋友出去并喝了几杯,也许有人会鼓起勇气问:“那么,你最后一次发生性行为是怎么发生的?”

4.You know, I can't bepeve you. Linda is so great! Why won't you go out with her again?我真不敢相信,Linda那么好你为何不再和她约会?

5.So when you go out to raise money, be prepared to not only answer how much you are hoping to raise, but also why?所以,当你去融资时,不但要准备好回答你想筹集多少资金,还要准备好回答为什么?

6.how much worse will it get if you go out on a pmb in pursuit of something you bepeve in?你的社交生活糟透了,如果你冒险去追求一些自己所信仰的事物,情况还能变得有多糟呢?

7.They operate states courts and they decide how much tax you pay when you go out to eat or you buy clothes.当你出去吃饭或买衣服的时候他们运作州法院并决定你需要付多少税。

8.Put the word Dead on your forehead before you go out the door. Take it off and say, Im apve again! When you get out of this retreat.所以你们在出发前,先在自己的额头贴上个死字,打完禅再把它拿下来,告诉自己:我又活过来了!

9.You're committed to losing those excess pounds, but every time you go out with a certain friend, she tries to get you to order dessert.你下定决心要减肥,可每次你和某位朋友出去吃饭,她总是试图让你点甜点。

10.How much do you spend on average each time you go out for children's recreation?您每次去平均会花费多少在儿童休闲娱乐场所?