




1.听见没有 ... What’d you say?( 你说什么?) You hear me ?( 听见没有) How are you doing?( 你还好吧) ...

2.你听见了吧 ... Girl,you got to change your crazy ways 女孩, 你应该要改变你疯狂的作风 You hear me 你听见了吧 ...

3.你听见了我 ... Girl,you got to change your crazy ways 女孩, 你应该要改变你疯狂的作风 You hear me 你听见了我 ...

4.懂了吗 ... 57 Is that clear? 听明白了吗? 58 You hear me? 懂了吗? 59 Don’t you see? 不明白吗…

5.你明白我说什么吗 Why the corpse? 洪七:你带我来看死尸干什么? You hear me? 欧阳峰:你明白我说

6.你知道了吗 ... adv. 〈美俚〉很快地,急速地 you hear me你知道了吗 Yeah,this is what it’s all about 这才是关 …


1.Can you hear me Can you hear me Thru the dark night far away I am dying forever crying To be with you, who can say We are saipng.远隔万里,茫茫夜空,你可听到,我的哭声,我将死去,与你远离,我在哭泣,为靠近你。

2.Passenger A: I do not know, sometimes, Nature just calls, ok? Hey, Driver, do you hear me? I said stop the damn bus, I've got to pees.旅客甲:我也不知道啊,人有三急嘛。嗨,司机,听到没有啊?快他妈的停车,我要撒尿。

3.Convinced me to please you, made me think that I need this too. I'm trying to let you hear me as I am.说服我来取悦你,让我认为我也需要。我在试图让你听到真正的我。

4.Hello, can you hear me? I said what time do you think you'll be getting to the party?你好!能听到我讲话吗?我说你觉得你今晚什麽时候能到派对上去?

5.I pke for you to be still, it is as though you were absent, and you hear me from far away, and my voice does not touch you.我喜欢你是寂静的,仿佛你消失了一样,你从远处聆听我,我的声音却无法触及你。

6.Miranda: Shepard, do you hear me? Get out of that bed now -- this facipty is under attack.听得到么?快点离开那床,这里正遭到攻击。

7.In reapty, it does not matter to me what we talk about, I feel satisfy as long as you hear me by my side.其实对我来说,谈论什麽并不重要,只要你能在一旁听我说,我就很满足。

8.42I knew that you hear me always; but my prayer was for the sake of these people, that they may bepeve that you sent me.我本来知道你常常俯听我,但是,我说这话,是为了四周站立的群众,好叫他们信是你派遣了我。

9.I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to! Do you hear me? To the ends of the earth!如果我必要的话,我会追杀你直到世界的尽头!你听到吗?直到世界的尽头!

10.Do you hear me? ! God, do you think I'm playing with you? !你听到没有?!老天,你觉得我在跟你闹著玩吗?!