




1.你这大白痴 you guys! 各位! you idiot! 你这大白痴! you lazybones! 你这懒骨头! ...

2.你这个白痴 danm you 该死的 you idiot 你这个白痴 you bitch 你这个贱人 ...

3.你白痴 You wimp! 你没骨气! You idiot! 你白痴! You coward! 你胆小鬼! ...

4.你这白痴 You dummy! 你这笨蛋 You idiot! 你这白痴 You dummy! 傀儡! ...

5.你个蠢货 you asshole! 你个混蛋 you idiot! 你个蠢货 you are good for nothing! 你个草包! ...

6.你个白痴 You dummy! 你个笨蛋 You idiot! 你个白痴 Oh! My gosh! 哎呀,我的天啊! ...

7.你这个大白痴 算我一份 Count me in. 你这个大白痴 You idiot! ...


1."Get out of there, you idiot. You know you're not supposed to go into the churchyard. "“快出来,你这个傻瓜。你自己清楚,别到教堂墓地里去。”

2." Meat for his white one: " you idiot when learned that this coincidence?素玖玖白了他一眼:“你这呆子什么时候学会了说这种巧话?”

3.Mr. Tweedy : It's pie machine, you idiot. Chickens go in, pies come out. Get me a chicken and I'll show you.特迪太太:这是一台馅饼机,你这个白痴。小鸡进去,馅饼出来,去给我弄只鸡来,我做给你看。

4.Ivankov: I told you! ! If I let you die right now, what am I supposed to tell Dragon! ? You idiot! ! !伊万科夫:我已经告诉过你了!!如果现在我让你死了,我该怎么和龙交代!?你这个白痴!!!

5.Kyubi: Not relevant right now you idiot, your beloved human friends are about to be crushed.九尾:不相关,现在你白痴,你心爱的人的朋友们即将被粉碎。

6.We just played and WON the bottom 3 teams in the league . We beat the Spurs on the road with YAO remember , you idiot ?我们才赢了联盟垫底的3支球队而已。我们在姚的带领下客场战胜了马刺,傻子,你还记得吗?。

7.Guard: This look pke storage to you, you idiot? It's a restricted area. It's the CO break room. Now back it up!这里像是储藏室吗?白痴,这里是禁区,守卫休息室。现在马上退后。

8.The party was interrupted by a scream on the other side of the wall, "Knock it off, it's 2 a. m. , you idiot! "墙的另一边传来一声大叫打断了聚会:“别吵了,凌晨两点啦……你们这些白痴!”

9.Suddenly, someone screamed from the other side of the wall, "Knock it off, you idiot! It's two o'clock in the morning! "突然,他们听到隔壁墙那边有人狂叫,“别敲了,你这白痴!现在是凌晨两点钟了!”

10."You idiot! " I screamed and shoved him as hard as I could. He stumbled and fell backwards.“你这白痴!”我尖叫着用力推他。他踉跄几下,向后倒去。