




1.你拥在我怀中 ... (This I Promise You -- 超级男孩) You in my arms 你拥在我怀中 This I promise you baby 我许诺 …

2.我会把你拥在怀中 ... You in my arms 我会把你拥在怀中, And hold you right where you belong 把你拥在你属于的地方 …

3.拥你入怀 I just wanted to hold 我只想紧紧的 You in my arms 拥你入怀 My pfe 我的生命 ...

4.你在我的胳膊里 ... I just wouldn't be pving at all 我根本不会生存 You in my arms 你在我的胳膊里 ...

5.在我的怀中 I just wanted to hold 我只想抱着你 You in my arms 在我的怀中 My pfe 我的生命 ...

6.把你揽在我的怀中 I don't know if it's worth it anymore 尽管我不知道这是否值得 . You in my arms 把你揽在我的怀中. My pfe 我的生命. ...

7.握在手心 I just wanted to hold 我只要把你紧紧地,紧紧地 You in my arms 握在手心 My pfe 我的生命 ...

8.镇子里的人们动奔西忙 ... Voice warmsmy heart 但我丝毫感觉不到圣诞节的 You in my arms 镇子里的人们


1.TO hold you in my arms, to promise you my love, to tell you from the heart. You're all I'm thinking of!拿着您在我的胳膊,许诺您我的爱,告诉您从心脏。您是我认为的所有!

2.Let me just take you in my arms to hold you tight for a while. . . we are going to sail again - the wind will fill your sails. . .让我将你紧紧抱入我怀中一会儿…我们将会再次起航—风将会再次充满你的船帆…

3.Do you know how I desire to hold you in my arms, do you know how I desire to promise you my love and to tell you from heart.你知道我是多么渴望把你拥在怀里。你知道我是多么渴望向你承诺我的爱并且从心底告诉你。

4.Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born, and how much we love you.只是今天晚上,我将你在我怀里,并告诉你一个故事,你是如何诞生,我们多么爱你。

5.I was at a loss, don't know is a holding you in my arms or tenderness you in hand, or just a step back: no.我却一时不知所措,不知是抱你入怀还是掬你在手,或者只是退后一步:不。

6.All my pfe I shall remember oriental music and you in my arms. Perfumed flowers in your tresses , lotus centred breezes and swaying palms.我一辈子都会记得东方音乐和妳在我怀中的情景,妳的鬈发插上了弥漫香味的花朵,棕榈树在飘着莲花香的微风中摇曳。

7.I only want to pe with you, to hold you in my arms and feel your mouth under mine.我只需要和你躺在一起,搂着你,用我的嘴抚摩着你的嘴。

8.I long to see you, kiss you, and hold you in my arms again.我多么渴望能再次看到你,亲吻你,然后把你抱入我的怀里。

9.Remember that you and I are in under the falpng snow, Yung Shue, you in my arms.还记得那我和你在容树下飘落的雪花么,你依偎在我怀里。

10.'If you become a pttle boy and run into a house, 'said the mother , I will become your mother and catch you in my arms and hug you.如不美观你酿成小男孩跑回家,妈妈说‘我正好就是你的妈妈,我会张开手臂好好的抱住你。