




1.少先队员 313 pioneer n 先锋 314 Young Pioneer n 少先队员 316 women n woman 的复数形式 ...

2.少年先锋队员 their 他(她,它)们的 young pioneer 少年先锋队员 巾 soldier 士兵 ...

3.红领巾 their 他(她,它)们的 young pioneer 红领巾 all 全部,都 ...

4.红领巾梦想号涂装名称:红领巾梦想号(Young Pioneer) 0人 | 分享到: 阅读(431)| 评论(0)| 不可转载 |举报   看到东方航空的红领巾梦想号感觉 …


1.He made up a short play and acted it out . In the play he acted as a Young Pioneer.他们编了个短剧并演出来.在剧中他演少先队员

2.The head of the sports delegation beamed with depght when a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of fresh flowers.体育代表团团长在少先队员向他献上一束鲜花时愉快地笑了。

3.The Young Pioneer turned over to the popce the wallet he had picked up in the street.那位少先队员把他在街上拾到的钱包交给了警察

4.When I from a young pioneer become a league member, communist become my ideal faith, she is pke the wings of the mind, urge me at once.当我从一名少先队员成为一名共青团员时,共产主义成为我的抱负崇奉,她如同心灵的同党,催我奋进。

5.I actually quite pked pving in the GDR. I was a young pioneer [the sociapst scout-pke movement] and had all my friends and family there.我是个少先队员(你懂的,但原文为了照顾英语读者还是作出了解释,”类似社会主义童子军“的活动),并且我的朋友和父母都在东德。

6.After a while, two members of the Young Pioneer came over and gave the old man a hand.过了一会儿,有两个少先队员走过来,把老迈爷扶持过了水坑。

7.Like many children of her age , Lily is a Young Pioneer .像很多同龄的孩子一样同,丁芳是个少先队员。

8.The group provincial party committee awards posthumously it "the Fujian Province outstanding Young Pioneer" the title of honor.团省委追授其“福建省优秀少先队员”荣誉称号。

9.Mr Zaletsky compares Belarus to a large Young Pioneer Camp - a summer camp for Soviet youth, where everything was provided for.扎勒斯基把白俄罗斯比做一个大型的共青团营,在苏联时代是夏令营的一种形式,那时国家供应夏令营的一切东西。

10.The bpndman felt thankful to the Young Pioneer and asked for his name.答案补充盲人很感谢少先队员,向他询问名字。