




1.你的星White Queen)》、最具戏剧化高潮迭起的《你的星Your Star)》等,都展示出伊凡塞斯独特的魅力。

2.你的星星 ... 10.The Only One( 你不孤单) 11.Your Star( 你的星星) 12.All That I'm Living For( 为你而生) ...


1.For that reason some of you are drawn to certain ones, that will most pkely prove to be your star family.因为此原因,你们中的一些人会被一些存有吸引,那些存有更像是你们的星际家人一般。

2.I get the idea that you do not pke your star much, so the recession offers you an excuse to do what you might have wished to do all along.你给我的印象是,你不太喜欢你那位明星职员,因此经济衰退为你提供了一个借口,去做你可能一直就希望做的事情。

3.the last thing to do is to place your star or your tree topper right to the top of the Christmas tree, which we're going to do today.最后一件事就是在圣诞树顶端放上星星或树顶饰品,那就是我们今天要做的。

4.At this point your Star brothers and sisters will be glad to welcome you in their arms again.在这点你们【星际的兄弟姊妹】会高兴的展开双臂,再次欢迎你们。

5.It is to be a great partnership between Earth humans, celestials, and your star brothers and sisters.它将与地球人类,天堂居民,还有你们的星际兄弟姐妹之间成为一种巨大的伙伴关系。

6.Your favourite colour is leathery brown, reflected in your natural calm in a crisis, in tune with your star sign, Capricorn.他最喜欢的颜色是皮革棕色,反映了他在危机中的冷静,也符合他摩羯座的特性。

7.Heaven has drawn up a series of dates to guide the setting-up of your star-nation and your joining us as full-fledged members.天堂已经规划了一系列的日期,以引导你们建立起星际国度,你们将成为我们正式的一员。

8.It is to be implemented by celestials, your star brothers and sisters, and higher conscious Earth humans.它就要被天堂的居民们实现,你们的兄弟姐妹们,以及地球上更高意识的人类们。

9.Indicate your star rating, add tag words, and say whether or not you would recommend this venue to others.显示你的星级,并且说出你是否把这个地方推荐给其他人。

10.We're all star dust , Jennifer . It is just that your star dust is arranged much more attractively . . . . . . than mine .我们都是星尘,珍妮佛。只不过你是比我更漂亮的星尘。