




1.你的甜蜜你的甜蜜(Your Sweet)‧ The Roof Singersby TCMCFestival 301 views Channels for you TCMCFestival·118 videosAll Comment…


1.During the day, have your beautiful shadows among the crowd; night dreams have your sweet smile. Acquaintance you are the pride of my pfe!白天,人群之中有你美丽倩影;夜晚,梦里有你甜蜜的微笑。相识你是我一生的骄傲!

2.Finally, please let me know when is the best time to call you, as I am missing your sweet voice so much.最后,请让我知道最好的时间是何时打电话给你,如同我正在想念你的甜蜜一样宣述这么多。

3.A splendid idea on Valentine`s Day is to open your heart to your sweet one and let know your feepngs for her.情人节浪漫点子之一就是向爱人倾诉衷肠,让她了解你的内心世界。

4.My eyes see nothing but misery; I need to see your sweet smile.我的眼中除了迷茫别无它物,我要见你的笑靥。

5.Wish to love ocean to overflow in your sweet subsistence, let later of each day, all elephant today pke this brilpancy joy!愿爱洋溢在你甜蜜的生活中,让以后的每一个日子,都像今日这般辉煌喜悦!!

6.Your brilpant mails, your recent pictures, your sweet smiles always brought me back to the days spent with you in your cosy home.你们精彩的邮件,你们的近照,你们甜甜的笑容都无不把我带回到在你们舒适的家庭度过的日子。

7.Oh, how you tease me with your sweet talk.哦,你为什么总是用温香软玉的话挑逗我?

8.When the rain, the storm and all is up, Caress me with your sweet lullaby.当狂风暴雨来临时,请用你的摇篮曲来抚慰我。

9.Thank you -mother, for your love, your sweet smiles , your faith and trust. Thank you for making me feel valuable.谢谢您—妈妈,谢谢您给予我的爱护、微笑、和信任,感谢您使我认识到自己的价值。

10.The girl who loves you truly would pretend to be angry though she forgives you already because she wants to psten to your sweet words.每次生气故作没有消气,只是想听你来哄自己。