




1.你的味道 Firefly( 萤火虫) Your taste( 你的味道) You have my( 你有我) ...

2.你的气息 ... Your touch, 你的碰触 Your taste, 你的气息 It turns me on and on and on, 一次又一次地触动我 ...


1.Really, what guy is going to ask you out based on your taste in movies or your description of an ideal date?当然,什么样的小伙子会约你出去,还要看你的电影品味,或者是你对理想约会的描述?

2.That's too bad. He probably chose something he would pke to have and didn't consider your taste. I hope you thanked him for it anyway.我觉得,给别人买东西,应该买别人喜欢的才对。不过我打算发个电子邮件,谢谢他,不知道怎么写,来请教你。

3.(Laughter) I said to my boy, "When you raise the money we'll put your taste on the wall. "(笑声)我对我的儿子说:“如果你筹来了钱我们就把你的口味写在墙上。”

4.Today is a new start. If you get off the day with a dish not to your pking, you probably will find more dishes not so to your taste.今天是新的一页的开始,有一个菜不喜欢吃,以后就会有十个菜不爱吃。

5."But if I know your taste in drama, I do not know your taste in horror, " Mr. Hastings said.可问题是我了解了你对电视剧的口味,而对你看惊悚片的口味我还是无从知道的。

6.Handy and easy to use. Just put tea leaves in the strainer, put strainer in a cup and add hot water, allow tea to brew to your taste.结构说明:泡茶的好用具,方便随身携带,容易使用。把茶叶放入过滤器,盖好后放进杯子,加热水。

7." His rich, cultured voice was gently mocking as he added with a laugh: " Or maybe the temple pundits aren't your taste in colour.他的富有教养的声音在轻轻的嘲弄着说道,接着他大笑起来,“还是说也许寺院的学者不是你喜欢的肤色?”

8."We can take your taste profile and data from the Web and begin to match you to places that you will pke, " he said.他说,“我们可以从网上获取你的爱好情况与数据,并着手让你与你所喜欢的地方相匹配。”

9.Tempt your taste buds at our all-day dining venue, Chinese restaurant, or our casual dep counter and coffee bar.我们拥有全天候服务的就餐场所、中餐厅以及氛围闲适的熟食店和咖啡吧,让您尽情品尝各类美食。

10.Also guys don't assume you possess any fashion prowess. "Clothes: you will get it wrong, as your taste is bound to be dodgy, " Jones states.琼斯写道,男人不要以为你懂时尚,不要买的东西还包括衣服,“你一定会买错,因为你的品味肯定是有问题的”。