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1.卓 nao( 闹),不读 zhuo)。 nie ru( 聂如),不读 ...

2.弓缴 字 zi4 - Word,Character/letter 桌子 zhuo1zi - Table,Desk 椅子 yi3zi - Chair ...

4.棹 [zhuo1] 涿 涿 [zhuo1] 棹 [zhuo1] 灼 灼 ...

5.发难数 (ji) 失眠 (zhuo) 发难数 (yun) 色 ...

6.弓缴而射之的缴 红’妆( zhuang1) 著我旧时裳( zhuo2) 阿姊( zi3) ...


1.Do not pke the Adventures of that was in the ruthless villain Zhuo Yi, he did do bad things, cute hate.千万不能像历险记里的那个心狠手辣的坏蛋卓伊一样,他坏事做尽,人见人憎。

2.A rightness of black shine eyes just curiously stare by the face of Zhuo Er, left see right to see.一对黑亮的眼睛只是好奇地盯着卓尔的脸,左看右看。

3.Deng Xiaoping and his wife Zhuo Lin attended the welcome ceremony on the south lawn outside the White House held by Carter and his wife.邓小平和夫人卓琳出席卡特夫妇在白宫南草坪举行的欢迎仪式。

4.Dong Zhuo Failure two years ago, Riboud Not to be outdone, shen p born, no one can be the enemy.董卓败亡两年前,吕布也不甘示弱,天生的神力,无人可敌。

5.Do not eat, the body is not healthy, Dong Zhuo, and also to pay a doctor, worth it?不吃饭,身体就不健康,冻着了,还要花钱看病,值得吗?

6.Zhuo Chen decided to open up China's security market in 2002 with the Guangzhou City Zhuochen Electronics Co. , Ltd. , the U. S.公司于2002年与广州市卓辰电子有限公司合作,全套引进美国卓辰安保的先进技术在国内生产;

7.Zhuo Ma is greeting a new tourist. She was among the first to open her house for visiting guests.ZhuoMa正在跟一位新游客打招呼。她是首先为来访客人打开门的人之一。

8.Zhuo Xinping said there should be more emphasis on members of occupation disease prevention, prevention, was more active.卓新平委员也认为应该更多强调职业病的防治,以预防为主,才更主动。

9.One day, he came to see Dong Zhuo with a borrowed blade.一日,曹操借王司徒宝刀一口,藏刀来到相府。

10.I have already told a Zhuo by a week, we will have university's last performance on this weekend again.我已在一周前告知家卓,我们再这个周末会有大学最后一场演出。