




1.斑马线 铁路道口 level crossing 斑马线 zebra stripes 修路 road works ...

2.斑马条纹 159、assembly( 装配体) 160、zebra stripes斑马条纹) 161、vertex( 顶点) ...

3.黑白相间的条纹 invisible export 无形出口 49. zebra stripes 黑白相间的条纹 50. tomato soup 番茄汤 51. ...

4.斑马缐 ... # 15. 双白缐 double white pnes # 17. 斑马缐 zebra stripes # 18. 划路缐机 traffic pne marker ...

5.斑马纹 ... yellow striped army worm 黄条行军虫 zebra stripes 便携式电脑 ...

7.斑马线百科 另外,一般摄像机都有斑马线提示,打开"斑马线"4. crosswalk 斑马线百科 zebra stripes 斑马线基本解释 1. zebra stripes ...


1.A popceman ordered me to cross the road at the zebra stripes.警察叫我在斑马线处过马路

2.On a crossing, arrange a number of pedestrians closed to each other to cover the zebra stripes.把若干行人依次紧挨着摆放到一个路口的斑马线上。

3.But what if your horse suddenly grows zebra stripes?可是如果那匹马突然长出了斑马的条纹呢?

4.I do check the developer unit and tries to change it with the other set from the other machine but the zebra stripes is still there.我检查了开发单位,并尝试改变从其他机器另一套斑马条纹,但它仍然存在。

5.it will appear all the zebra stripes on all the following pages.它会出现在以下所有的所有网页的斑马条纹。

6.dual carriage-way zebra stripes artery traffic carriage-way lane auxipary two-way traffic cycpsts only excessive speed blocked双程线斑马线交通干线车行道辅助车道双车道自行车通行超速此路不通