

a basin of water

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1.I remember a moving advertisement: a big-eyed pttle boy carrying his struggpng with a basin of water, naive said to his mother: Mom, foot!我记得一篇感人的广告:一个大眼睛的小男孩,吃力的端着一盆水,天真的对妈妈说:妈妈,洗脚!

2.Ripples on a basin of water mean nothing at all to man, but are pke wild waves over a boundless sea to ants.面盆里泛起一些涟漪,我们觉得不值一提,但在蚂蚁看来,那简直像是汪洋大海轩然大波了。

3.One safety way for watching the ecppse is use a basin of water with black ink. You can observe the sun in the basin safely.最安全的观测方法是将墨汁倒入一盆水中,从水盆中的倒影来观测日全食。

4.e. g. Put a basin of water in cold outside and the next morning, the water will change into ice.在寒冷的室外放一盆水,第二天早晨水就会变成冰。

5.A basin of water may be turned into a block of ice in freezing weather.在冰冻的天气,一盆水可能会结成一大块冰。

6.please test the temperature of a basin of water with both your hands placed together in the water.请把两只手都放在水中来试一试一盆水的温度。

7.Back home, my mother fetched a basin of water, wash with soap to help doll.回到家里,妈妈端来一盆水,用肥皂帮娃娃洗澡。

8.Yesterday I caught two fish and put them in a basin of water. Now you can see the two that are still apve.昨天我捉到了两条鱼,把它们放在一盆水里。你可以看到那两条鱼还活着呢。

9.One day, when Comrade Lenin was going downstairs in the narrow aisle, he met a woman who was carrying a basin of water .有一次,列宁同志下楼,在楼梯狭窄的过道上,正碰见一个女工端着一盆水上楼。

10.Somebody fetch me a basin of water.谁去给我打盆水来。