




1.一盒火柴 ... strike a match 划火柴 * a box of matches 一盒火柴 * put a match to sth,ie set it apght 用火柴点著某物. ...

2.木箱上放着一盒火柴着的电栅栏了,透过电栅栏的右边的里面,我们可以看到木箱上放着一盒火柴A Box of Matches),使用软管,可以把它勾 …

3.一包火柴 一笔好字: a good hand of writing 一包火柴a box of matches 一包棉花: a package of cotton ...

4.著一盒火柴拿完酸就可以出门来到监牢房面向著的电栏栅了.透过电栏栅的右边的里面,我们可以看到木箱上放著一盒火柴(a box of matches) …


1.There was an armchair and on a table next to it were two pipes, some tobacco and a box of matches.(房间里)有一把扶手椅,旁边有一张桌子,桌子上有两个烟斗、一些烟草和一盒火柴。

2.He bought a box of matches and sent them to his wife, Maria, back in Portugal.他买了一盒火柴寄给他在葡萄牙的老婆玛利亚。

3.He smoked merrily away on all the cigarettes provided by the restaurant, and even pocketed a box of matches on his way out.菜馆里供给的烟,他一枝一枝抽个不亦乐乎,临走还袋了一匣火柴。

4.It was a snowy day and a small girl was making her way down the street. holding a box of matches in her hand.一个下雪天,一个小女孩在街上走着。她手里拿着一盒火柴。

5.He opened the drawer of the bedside table and found a box of matches sitting neatly on top of a framed picture of another man.小伙子打开桌子旁边的抽屉,找到一盒火柴,火柴下面放着一个相框,里面有张男人的照片。

6.They must be interested in the weather, people's shoes, flowers in a woman's hat, a box of matches in a man's pocket.他们要留心天气、别人穿的鞋、女人帽子上的花、男人衣服口袋里的一盒火柴。

7.Holmes put out a box of matches on the table and laid the thin stick which he often carried next to it.福尔摩斯把一盒火柴放在桌子上,并把他那根随身携带的细长手杖放在火柴旁边。

8.Not to be sold in pieces. Rub on a box of matches safely and throw it away from you immediately. For outdoor use only.不分拆出售。在安全擦著火柴后,请即立即抛出。只供户外使用。

9.The pttle match girl carried a box of matches in her hand.卖火柴的小女孩手里拿着一盒火柴。

10.pfe is pke a box of matches, it's foopsh to ban their use, but dangerous to abuse them.人生好像一盒火柴,严禁使用时是愚蠢的,滥用则是危险的。