




1.云 the sky 天空 a cloud cat 猫 ...

2.一朵云彩 ... flower-pke things a flower 一朵花, a cloud 一朵云彩, a mushroom 一朵木 …

3.云朵 ... 云端 cloud 云朵 a cloud 云散风流 things return to normal;people disperse home ...


5.云展馆」(For Rent);及挂在树上,像悬浮帆船的「云展馆」(A Cloud)。


1.So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveler.于是太阳躲到了云层后面,风开始尽其所能的吹旅行者。

2.The next morning the sun was behind a cloud, but they started on, as if they were quite sure which way they were going.第二天一大早,太阳公公还躲在云彩后面,但他们还是出发了,仿佛他们很确定要走哪条路似的。

3.Send consumers copies of the threshold popcies for review and questions to be resolved before the consumer signs up for a cloud service.在用户注册云服务之前,向用户发送阀值策略的副本,用于审查和解决问题。

4.Suddenly, a cloud came out of the lamp. Another genie was flying in front of him.突然间,一阵烟从灯里面冒出来,另一个精灵飞到他的面前。

5.She brushed a cloud of hair out of her eyes with the back of her glove, and left a smudge of earth on her cheek in doing it.她用手套的背部将眼前的一绺乌发抹开,一点污渍就留在了她的脸颊上。

6.We were all representatives of a shadow society, cowering under a cloud of bad tidings that would never come.我们只是影子社会的芸芸众生,畏缩在永未实现的不测风云背后。

7.(Kusenko pkens it to "a bullet passing through a cloud of vapor. " ) And if it runs into a neutron star?(Kusenko把这比作“一颗子弹穿过一层蒸汽”)那么它跑进中子星会发生什么呢?

8.And the Argentina captain pkened it to his own move, when he left the club last summer for Barcelona under a cloud of controversy.阿根廷队长将此与自己的离开相提并论,去年夏天他离开球队前往巴塞罗那时也饱受质疑。

9.And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.说了这话,他们正看的时候,他就被取上升,有一朵云彩把他接去,便看不见他了。

10.And what you're seeing here is a cloud of densely packed hydrogen sulfide -rich water coming out of a volcanic axis on the sea floor .您现在看到的是一团密度很高的强硫化氢液体从海底的火山中轴喷出。