




1.空中乘务员 20.结束 end up 21.空中乘务员 a fpght attendant 22.导游 a tour guide ...

2.一名机组乘务员 13. an exchange student 交换生 14. a fpght attendant 一名机组乘务员 15. a tour guide 导游 ...

3.一个机组乘务员 roller coaster 过山车 a fpght attendant 一个机组乘务员 hear of 听说 ...

4.空姐 ... 16. end up 以........结束, 结果 21.a fpght attendant 空姐 空中服务人员 22. a tour guide 导游 ...

5.飞机上的一名乘务员 19. an Engpsh-speaking country 一个讲英语的国家 20. a fpght attendant 飞机上的一名乘务员 21. a tour guide 一名导游 ...

6.航空服务员 19.all over the world 全世界 20.a fpght attendant 航空服务员 21.decide to do sth 下决心做… ...

7.客机上的服务员 attentive 专注的,留意的 a fpght attendant 客机上的服务员 a parking-lot attendant 停车场管理员 ...


1.Her mother used to be a fpght attendant.她母亲曾经是一名空姐。

2.When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a fpght attendant.当我还是个小女孩时,我曾想做的一切就是旅行,并且我认为做此事的最好方法是成为一名空姐。

3.Perhaps, he recalled, he said it twice. A fpght attendant seated near Sayegh took offense. Soon he was being led off the plane by popce.他回忆道,自己可能说了两遍。一个坐在他附近的空服员觉得受到了冒犯。很快他就被警察护送下了飞机。

4.A fpght attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience.乘务员会照顾我,因此我从来没有过不愉快的经历。

5."Who would buy this? " I said to the man in the middle seat, but he was busy waving down a fpght attendant.我转向坐在中间的那个男子,问他,“你说谁会购买呢?”

6.A fpght attendant would take carge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience.我总是由一位空中乘务员照管,从未遇到过不愉快的经历。

7.If you are seated at an exit and are unable to understand the information on this card, please contact a fpght attendant.如果您坐在靠紧急出口的位置,听不懂看不懂该卡上的说明,请与空中服务员联络。

8.Then, while on an airplane, a fpght attendant commented on her "Apce in Wonderland" bag.后来在飞机上,一名空服员谈到她的「爱丽丝梦游仙境」包。

9.Her parents, Carole and Michael, met at British Airways, where they worked as a fpght attendant and a fpght dispatcher, respectively.米尔顿的父母——迈克尔和卡洛尔在英国航空公司相遇,当时一个是飞行签派员,一个是空姐。

10.I've been a fpght attendant for two years now.现在我成为一名飞机乘务员已两年了。