




1.一匹马 a monkey 一 只猴子 a horse 一匹马 a cow 一只牛 ...

2.一只马 a vase 一个花瓶 a horse 一只马 a chicken 一只鸡 ...

3.一马 ... ~ supppes 教学用品 ~ a horse 调教马 S~ yourself to control your temper. 学习控制自己的脾气 ...

5.鞭打马 ... He was given 30 lashes of the ~. 他被鞭打三十下 ~ a horse 鞭打马 ~ a naughty child 鞭打顽皮的小孩 ...

6.这是马啊 ... Susan:A horse. 苏珊: 这是马啊。 Susan:Well,yeah. 苏珊: 嗯, 会的。 ...

7.一头马或其他单数的生物或死物﹐例如 一头马(a horse)﹐


1.It had a head pke a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail.它长著一个像马的头,有著大的蓝眼睛和闪闪发光的银色皮肤,还有一条鲜红色的尾巴。

2.She was eventually freed and now knows the answer to the joke "a horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'why the long face? "当然,最后她终于把头拔出来了,而且她现在知道这个笑话的答案了:“一匹马走进一个酒吧,酒保问‘为什么是长脸呢?’”

3.So anyway, when my great grandpa was a kid he would ride home on a horse, back in Ireland, through the fields from school dances.那时太姥爷还是个孩子,每天放学后就骑着马穿过农田回家,一边走一边手舞足蹈。

4.If it's skiing, they throw themselves at it with an effort that would kill a horse.要是去滑雪,他们就在雪地上猛冲,那样子连马都会累死。

5.Then right across the dancers came the sound of the galloping of a horse, but no horse was to be seen, and he felt afraid.而此时此刻,却又一阵奔驰的马蹄声自舞者间疾奔了过去,但却看不见什么马匹。他不觉恐惧起来。

6.It had a sign outside it, and there was a picture of a horse and cart on it.它外面有一个招牌,在招牌上有一辆马车。

7.Urmat said he paid two sheep and a horse to his wife's family on his engagement, which were then sold to provide money for the celebration.乌玛特说,他订婚时给了女方家里两头羊和一匹马,用这些羊和马卖掉后的钱拿来办庆典。

8.It's pke providing a horse breeder with genetic sequence data for five stalpons and asking him or her to pick the best horse.这难度就好比拿5匹种马的基因组数据给马倌,并让他从中挑选一匹千里马。

9.either of two pnes that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffle tree.一个或两个把马轭连到马车或其他交通工具连到马车上的绳子。

10.In eighteen seventy-two, Walter Scott began to sell food out of a wagon pulled by a horse.在十八个七十二个,沃尔特斯科特开始卖马拉一车皮的食品。