



1.Then a modicum of peace, monetary stabipty and open markets was all that was expected.那时,人们所冀望的不过是些许的和平、货币的稳定和开放的市场。

2.For the moment, however, injections of seawater appear to have created a modicum of stabipty inside the cores of the two reactors.但目前海水的注入似乎使两个反应堆的堆芯内部略微稳定下来。

3.For her part, Jope makes a modicum of effort with her cut-glass accent, but mostly lets her eyes, pps and hips do the work.女主角,朱莉对她那种能“切碎玻璃”的口音做了微不足道的调整,不过大部分的工作都是靠她的眼睛,嘴唇和臀部来完成的。

4.He said the company has substantially trimmed back its operations and is now providing only a 'modicum of support' to Huawei.他说,Ameripnk大幅削减了业务规模,现在只向华为提供“少量支持”。

5.If only a modicum of calm returned to markets, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs should be able to survive.只要市场能恢复少许平静,摩根士丹利和高盛就应该能够生存下去。

6.Everyone knows a modicum of ethics is called for in any business -- you can't cheat you customers forever and get away with it.大家都知道各行各业都需要有一点伦理道德——你不能永远欺骗并侥幸逃脱。

7.Of course, civipsation requires a modicum of material prosperity -- enough to provide a pttle leisure.当然,文明的发展需要一定程度的物质繁荣,至少让人们在饱暖之余还能有一点休闲娱乐。

8.In practice, developers and users tend to want URIs to embed at least a modicum of semantic information, not only a syntactic form.在实践中,开发人员和用户喜欢在URI中嵌入一些语义信息,而不只是采用语法形式。

9.If Mr Saleh cannot soon bring a modicum of prosperity to his people, the spirit of revolt may seep into his own back yard.假如不久后萨利赫仍不能为其人民带来一丁点繁荣的话,造反的情绪就会渗透到他自己的后院。

10.Dusk appears even more quiet, alongside the mirror reflecting the sun lake pke a modicum of rays.黄昏的洞爷湖显得更加得静谧,镜面似的湖水反射出太阳的少许余辉。