




1.一块糖 Yes,I do. 是的,我是 1. a piece of candy 一块糖 2. a carton of ice cream 一盒冰淇淋 ...

2.一颗糖果 ... (2) 比喻很容易: a piece of cake。 (2) 一颗糖果a piece of candy。 (2) 一条巧克力: a bar of chocolate。 ...

3.一块糖果 add up the figures (把数目加起来) a piece of candy 一块糖果 a piece of fruit 一份水果 ...

4.但一颗糖也可以说 所以可以说 We ordered two pizzas. 但一颗糖也可以说 a piece of candy 一片蛋糕或比萨则是 a piece of cake / pizza ...


1.Now and then the water made a small swallowing sound as if it had a piece of candy in its mouth.偶尔听见那湖水卟的一响,仿佛嘴里含着一块糖。

2.'Nicotine is a highly addictive drug, and to make it look pke a piece of candy is recklessly playing with the health of children. '尼古丁是一种十分容易使人上瘾的药物,把它做得像糖是完全不把孩子们的健康当回事儿。

3.When we put a piece of candy into his mouth, the arm must allow the biceps and other muscle coordination to complete.当我们把一块糖放进嘴里时,就得让手臂上的肱二头肌和其它肌肉协同才能完成。

4.If you watch closely, you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward.如果你仔细地观察,你会发现那些驯兽师不是会给那些动物一块糖果或者一片水果作为它们的奖赏。

5.Description: For a sweet taste that mimics a piece of candy, try a dried-fruit snack.说明:如果你想享受糖果的甘甜,你可以吃一些水果干类的零食。

6.A pttle foreign child came across our party. He Zhenzheng allured him by a piece of candy, but failed.活动进行中,突然走来一个黄毛小孩,何贞征用一块糖引诱他,可是失败了。

7.Take a piece of candy everyday and tell yourself : the day is sweet again.每天吃一颗糖,然后告诉自己:今天的日子,果然又是甜的。

8.She gave the child a piece of candy.她给孩子一颗糖。

9.I'll go too. I'm going to get a piece of candy!我也要去,我要去买一块糖果。

10.It turns out that a scientist can see the future by watching four-year-olds interact with a piece of candy.人们发现,通过观察一个四岁孩子怎样处理一块糖,科学家可以预测其未来。