




1.池塘 ... 池子 : a pond 池塘a pond;a pool;a mere 水池: a pond;a pool;a cistern;a basin;a sink;a water tank ...

2.一个池塘 Hand 手 A pond 一个池塘 A tennis court 一个网球场 ...

3.池塘的英文 ... 3.池塘的英文 a pond;a pool;a mere 4.北极的英文. the North Pole;the Arctic ...


1.After digging deep into the mud at the bottom of a pond, they do not stir again until it is warm.在深入挖掘泥在水池底部,他们不要搅拌直到它是温暖的。

2.Listen to the rain sound, drop a child, say, the wind landing, into a pond willow wind, graceful, river with pght overflow dyeing.倾听雨落声,落一子嗔言,风声起落,惹一塘风荷,杨柳婀娜,染一江春水盈盈轻漾。

3.Throw a pebble into a pond. It sends a shiver across the surface of the water.把一颗小石头丢入池塘里,水面就会兴起阵阵涟漪

4.The trees in the garden were decorated with flowers made of silk cloth while lanterns made of conches and clams were placed aside a pond.在花园里的树木被装饰着花朵的丝绸布制成,而海螺和蛤制成灯笼放在一边一个池塘。

5."Follow me, " said the hare, and it ran through the woods and brought him to a pond.兔子说:『跟我来。』它便穿过树林把他带到一座池塘旁。

6.He resolved to drown him, and walked on, looking about for a pond: picking up a heavy stone and tying it to his handkerchief as he went.他决定把狗淹死。他朝前走去,四下里寻找池塘。他拾起一块大石头,边走边把石头系在手绢上。

7.Relatives found him the next day pacing near a pond, covered with scratches, shaking violently, she said.第二天,亲戚们在附近的一个水塘里找到了他。他在里面踱步,满身伤痕,浑身颤抖。

8.Imagine standing on a rubber raft and sticking a really long straw into a pond in hopes of sipping a soft drink buried on the bottom.想像站在橡皮艇上,用一条很长的吸管伸到水池里,期望能喝到深埋于池底的一种软饮料。

9.Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher; he pved in a pttle damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond.从前有位青蛙先生,他叫杰里米·费希尔,住在池塘边毛茛之间一个潮湿的小房子里。

10.Old Chu thought it would be a shame to eat such a beautiful fish, so he bought the carp for a good price and put it in a pond.老楚觉得把这么美丽的鱼吃掉太可惜了,于是他高价买下鱼,把它放到池塘里。