




1.四分之一 tooth 牙齿(复数 a quarter 一刻钟,四分之一 on duty 值日 ...

2.一刻钟a nickel)、 十美分(或 a dime)和二十五美分(或 a quarter)等. 在数字前加$表示美元,如:$500 表示五百美元; 在数 字后加 C 表 …

4.一个季度 Sunday 星期天 a quarter 一个季度 the day before yesterday 前天 ...

5.四分一 57.one-third( 三分一) 58.a quarter( 四分一) 59.one-fifth( 五分一) ...


1.A quarter of an hour had not elapsed when this is what was taking place at twenty different spots in Paris at once.不到一刻钟,在巴黎二十个不同的地方就几乎同时发生了这些事

2.The young dreamers in shows pke "The X-Factor" commonly perform songs that are more than a quarter of a century old.X-Factor这样的节目中那些怀抱梦想的年轻人所表演的歌曲,往往已经有了四分之一个世纪那么久的历史。

3.Will you make a schedule for a week, a month, a quarter or even a year?你会为一周一月一季乃至一年做一个计划表吗?

4.She disputed with me a quarter of an hour yesterday about the cooking of the beef, she said I boiled it to rags.昨天为了烧牛肉,她同我吵了一刻钟,说我烧得太烂。

5.With a Vuitton coin pouch, you know where your coins are thus you wouldn't have to fpp your bag upside down looking for a quarter.用硬币袋威登的话,你知道去哪里你的硬币是这样,你就不会翻你的袋子颠倒过来找一个季度。

6.No wonder some animals spend about a quarter of their time pacing. But how did scientists figure out that this was the problem?毫无疑问一些动物会花四分之一的时间用来踱步。那么科学家如何来指出这是个问题呢?

7.A survey by The Sleep Council showed a quarter of men never wake up in a bad mood, compared to just one in seven women.睡眠研究会所做的一项调查显示,没有“下床气”的男性佔四分之一,而女性只有七分之一。

8.This often occurred near the end of a quarter, allegedly making the company look much healthier than it was.这一做法经常在季度末使用,据称此举可使雷曼兄弟的财务状况从表面看来比实际情形要好得多。

9.They have been able to do so, first, because labour is still only about a quarter of their total input costs.他们之所以能够做到这点,首先是因为劳动力成本仍然只占其总投入成本的四分之一左右。

10.About a quarter of the children in her study who showed school refusal behavior had anxiety problems.她研究的儿童中,有四分之一的拒学症发生和焦虑问题有关。