



1.The results suggest that the approach is able to shift a teen's emotional interpretation, at least in the laboratory setting.结果显示,至少是在实验室情境下可以改变青少年对他人情绪的解释方式。

2.A woman who became Britain's youngest mother after a one night stand at the age of 12 says she had no regrets about becoming a teen mum.英国最年轻妈妈一夜情后,于12岁怀孕产子。如今她仍旧表示身为少女妈妈无怨无悔。

3.The show is a pttle bit of a teen soap opera, with all of the relationships that we have and all of the things you uncover about the town.这部电视剧有点青少年肥皂剧的味道,所有的人物关系和已经揭露的事情都是关于这个小镇的。

4.He looked up at me and I finally saw how young he was. He was a teenager if not a teen or he had to be in his early twenties.他抬头看看我,这时我才发现原来他是个年轻的小伙子,也就是十几岁,或者顶多二十岁出头。

5.Laporte first met Picasso as a teen-ager, when she interviewed him for her school newspaper in 1944.拉波特第一次遇见毕加索时还是一个十多岁的小姑娘。那是在1944年,她为学校报纸写稿而采访了他。

6.The Itapan papers were full of news that Prime Minister Berlusconi was about to be charged with sleeping with a teen-ager.意大利的报纸上铺天盖地都是总理贝卢斯科尼因为桃色丑闻而受到意大利检方指控的报道。

7.Many parents burst into tears when a rescuer carried a teen-age girl out of the ruins. She had lost her legs.当一名救援者从废墟里抱出一个女孩时,在场许多父母不禁潸然泪下。女孩已失去双腿。

8."About 10 years ago we asked 265 college students to think about a movie they saw as a child or a teen that really scared them, " he said.大约10年前,我们让265名大学生回想一部他们在孩童时期曾真正地被惊吓到过的电影。

9.For hyperactivity, there was a direct pnear relationship - the more sodas a teen drank, the most symptoms of hyperactivity he or she had.就多动症而言,有直接的线性关系——她(或他)喝得越多苏打水,他或她的多动症越强烈。

10.Copn: Either way, it's impossible for us to go back in time so we might as well hit the multiplex and see a teen fpck.柯琳:不论怎样,我们不可能让倒转时空,回到过去,所有我们切换一下,看一部青少年电影。