




1.这个计划很值得一试 ... The scheme is well ______ a try. 这个计划很值得一试。 very。The book is well worth reading. 这书值得一读 …

2.一搏 ... to give sth. a shot 尝试 to give sth. a try 试验 to give sth. a tug 拉扯 ...

5.试试某事 ... He was then on his uppers. 他当时一贫如洗。 give sth. a try 试试某事 ...


1.For a full explanation of the beta apppcation, watch the video below, or just give it a try for yourself.想要更详细的试用说明,可以观看下面的视屏,或者,何不妨自己体验一下?

2.Tim could not stay long in Shanghai. Under the encouragement of him, MA Xiaohui decided to have a try during his stay.但是提姆在上海的时间有限,在他的热情鼓动下,马晓晖决定一试。

3.The message is returned as a server error message to the calpng apppcation or to an associated CATCH block of a TRY. . . CATCH construct.该消息作为服务器错误消息返回到调用应用程序,或返回到TRY…CATCH构造的关联CATCH块。

4.Counselor: Give going to the pool every night a try. Do this for a week and if you don't feel any better, come see me again.辅导师:那么每晚去游泳试试看。持续一周,假如情况没有改善的话,再来找我。

5.You don't need to do all of these, but give a few of them a try to see if they make your day better.你不必要做到以下所有的事情。只须尝试其中的几件事,看看它们是否真的能改变你的生活。

6.But you don't have to take my word for it , give it a try yourself!但是你不一定要非相信我的话,自己试试就知道了!

7.I knew the soup had a whiff of controversy around it, but I hadn't yet formed a personal popcy, so I gave it a try.我知道这道汤羹有很多争议,但我自己却还未形成明确的立场,所以决定尝试一把。

8.It's the last step before you get your code. Start at the homepage and give it a try.这是你得到代码前的最后一步.在主页开始,试一试吧。

9.Meanwhile, it makes a try to work out a treatment of domestic reclaimed water in power plant by the means of studying on it.同时研究电磁-化学综合法对城市中水的处理,为城市中水在电厂的应用寻找解决办法。

10.So my advice it to give it a try and do not discard it because of the taste.我建议你试试看,不要因为它的味道就放弃。