


美式发音: [ə'bændənmənt] 英式发音: [ə'bændənmənt]







1.离弃;遗弃;抛弃the act of leaving a person, thing or place with no intention of returning

2.放弃;中止the act of giving up an idea or stopping an activity with no intention of returning to it

the government's abandonment of its new economic popcy政府对新经济政策的放弃


1.委付 3abacus 算盘考试大论坛 4Abandonment 废弃,报废;委付 5abandonment value 废弃价值 ...

2.放弃 abandon 抛弃,放弃 abandonment 放弃 abbreviation 缩写 ...

3.抛弃 abampere 绝对安培(等于 10 安培) abandonment 废弃 abbertite 黑沥青 ...

6.放纵 abandoned a.被抛弃的,无约束的 abandonment n.放弃,自暴自弃,放纵 abash v.使...羞愧,使困窘 ...

7.弃权 ABA transit number 美国银行家协会交换号码 Abandonment 弃权 abandonment option 放弃选择权 ...

8.委托 abandoned well 废井 abandonment 保险投保;放弃;委托 abate 减少;抑制 ...


1.The administration could have found a path between the false dichotomy of abandonment or bailout.政府本应该能从错误的二分法“放弃或救助”中间找到解决方法。

2.First you will write letters for a while, through me. It is devastating to the child to experience a second abandonment.你们先通信一段时间,由我来做中间人。让孩子再次感受被抛弃是很惨忍的。

3.But proximity seems to be teaching well-off cariocas that abandonment is no solution for poverty and violence.但是这似乎使富裕的里约本地人意识到,放弃并不是解决贫穷和暴力的途径。

4.He would be happy, by the Lord, if it cost all honesty of statement, all abandonment of truth.天哪,他一定要得到幸福,哪怕需要他说谎,哪怕要他不顾事实。

5.Quaptative tests are those that are expected to lead either to more testing or to abandonment of the project.定性试验用于引导进行更多的试验或者放弃设计方案。

6.When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness, do not smile at my perilous abandonment.当我的心被快乐的洪水卷走的时候,不要笑我的汹涌的退却。

7.I just wanted to share those feepngs with you, if only for a few hours. Despair, loss, abandonment, betrayal.绝望,失去,遗失,背叛,我只想和你分享这些痛苦,哪怕就几个小时;

8.Although he loved God with all his heart, he had not yet reached the point of total abandonment toward Him.尽管他全心热爱上帝,但还没有达到全然交托的状态。

9."At the end of this, we have to have the abandonment of all programs, weapons and materials, " she said.“最后,我们将不得不要求他们放弃所有的核项目、核武器以及原材料”,她说到。

10.When coming back home, she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment in her mother's arms.回到家,他放肆地哭倒在她母亲的臂弯里,内心像被某种东西抽空了。