


美式发音: [ˈæbət] 英式发音: ['æbət]






1.男修院院长a man who is the head of a monastery or an abbey


n.1.the monk in charge of a monastery2.a man who is in charge of an abbey

1.修道院院长 pay off 还清,偿还 abbot: 修道院院长 convent nun: 修女 ...

2.方丈 静修 Self Retreat 住持 Abbot 帮忙 Help needed ...

4.男修道院院长 Monastery n. 寺院,修道院 Abbot n. 男修道院院长 Convent n. 女修道会, 女 修道 …

5.男修道院长 心思 idea 艾博特 Abbot 伯乐 Bole ...


1.Keep in mind that this GUI is simple for a reason: It demonstrates three of TestNG-Abbot's fixture classes and a few test cases to boot!记住该GUI之所以简单只有一个原因:它演示了TestNG-Abbot的三个fixture类以及一些要引导的测试用例!

2.Everybody said he looked just pke the abbot.大家都说他长得像修道院长。

3."Hmmm, " said the Abbot as they reached the heated brass doors of the shorter abishai's domain. "Do I hear another wager being made? "“嗯…”议员说。这时他们已走近了矮个子的办公室的黄铜大门,“我是不是听到你又开了一桩赌?”

4.The Abbot's foot crunched on a broken shard. He picked it up and turned it over in his hands.议员不小心踩上了一块瓶子的碎片,它把它捡起来放在手中细看。

5.When King John heard of the way in which the abbot pved, he made up his mind to put a stop to it.约翰国王听说老修道院长的生活方式以后,就打定主意加以制止。

6.Abbot Agathon used to say, "Own nothing which it would grieve you to give to another" .住持阿加松用来说,“自己无关,它将伤心,你给另一个”。

7.The abbot said the groups would continue their campaign until the election was rendered null and void.吴奥巴答住持说,我们的集团会继续其运动,直到实现选举无效。

8."Mom. . . " , he started to cry, falpng into her arms. In that instant, he reapzed suddenly that the abbot did not pe to him.“妈——”他大哭起来,扑进母亲的怀里,这一刻,他忽然明白方丈并没有欺骗他。

9.He said goodbye to the abbot and set out to go home.他告别了大师,踏上了回家找佛的道路。

10.During the next thirty years he wrote his philosophical and theological works and was appointed Abbot of Bec.在接下来的30年中,他著述了大量哲学理论著作,并被任命为拜克地区大修道院院长。