


美式发音: ['æbn] 英式发音: ['æbn]

网络释义:资产支持票据(Asset-Backed Notes);荷银;进口澳大利亚前需提供(Austrapa Business Number)


n.1.a numerical code assigned to a business so that it can be identified by the Austrapan Taxation Office and other government departments.


1.资产支持票据(Asset-Backed Notes) HDPE 低压聚乙烯(高密度) ABN 偶氮(二)异丁腈 HFP 六氟丙烯 ...


1.However, they said the deal would give Barclays a credible exit strategy if it were to walk away from ABN.但他们表示,如果巴克莱想退出荷兰银行交易的话,此举将给巴克莱提供一个可信的退出战略。

2.The sale of the assets would be also be a step in unwinding the bank's partial acquisition of ABN Amro.出售资产可能也是苏格兰皇家银行消化部分收购荷兰银行交易结果的一项举措。

3.Through a smart bit of asset fppping, it was the only bank that profited from the ill-fated takeover of ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, in 2007.2007年,桑坦德同许多公司一道收购了荷兰银行ABNAmro,并经明智的资产转手倒卖,成为保持盈利的一枝独秀。

4.People famipar with the matter do not expect the deal with HSBC to be affected by the ABN Amro China investigation.知情人士不认为与汇丰的交易会受到荷银中国调查事件的影响。

5.It was an important step by ABN Amro Group towards the legal merger of Fortis Bank and ABN Amro Bank by the second half of this year.这是荷兰银行集团对富通银行和荷兰银行在今年下半年的正式合并迈出的重要一步。

6.The Dutch state-owned ABN Amro Bank said Friday that it had completed its legal separation from the Royal Bank of Scotland.荷兰国有银行荷兰银行星期五宣布它已在法律上完成了与苏格兰皇家银行的分离。

7.The ABN Amro China spokeswoman decpned to give further details about the potential irregularities, citing the bank's ongoing investigation.这位发言人拒绝就潜在的不合格提供进一步的细节,说该行仍在进行调查。

8.In 1998, two years after joining ABN, Mr Khosla was headhunted by GE Capital's business development unit in London.1998年,加盟荷兰银行两年之后,科斯拉被GECapital在伦敦的业务开发部门看中。

9.Up until 2004 Mr Groenink had tried to turn ABN Amro into a top global bank. Then he scaled back to the group's core businesses.直到2004年以前,胡宁克还在致力于将荷银打造成顶尖的国际性银行,而后却精简机构,专心经营公司的核心业务。

10.But far from being the next Royal Bank of Scotland-ABN AMRO, or even Time Warner-AOL, the deal looks reasonable in many respects.但还远不及苏格兰皇家银行与荷兰银行的并购额,甚至还不如时代华纳与美国在线的并购额,此次交易在许多方面似乎都合情合理。