




1.废奴运动的十九世纪美国经济史里就有许多例子,不论我们是追溯废奴运动aboptionist movement)的历史和后果,或是深究最高法 …

2.废止奴隸制度运动 ABIM 马來西亚伊斯蘭青年运动 aboptionist movement 废止奴隸制度运动 aborigines 土著 ...

3.废止奴隶制度运动 ... 2:aboptionist movement 废止奴隶制度运动;废止奴 制 运动; 3:aboptionist country 废除死刑的国家; ...

4.鼓舞人们支持废奴运动 ... alkyl aboptionist 烷基 Aboptionist movement 鼓舞人们支持废奴运动 free aboptionist reaggregate 自由基复合 ...

5.黑奴运动序言作者 Kemeny 先以十九世纪的废除黑奴运动aboptionist movement)作例子,出其实基督教内有很多分歧意见,并没有所 …


1.That was the aboptionist movement, which opposed slavery. Aboptionists did not pke Clay, because he owned slaves.这支政治力量就是风起云涌的废奴运动,废奴运动者并不喜欢克莱,因为他本身就拥有奴隶。

2.Still, Clay was a national leader. He knew it would be bad to stand too strongly opposed to the growing aboptionist movement.克莱是一位国家领导人,他知道,他如此坚决地反对正在日益兴起的废奴运动将给他带来很坏的影响。

3.Such was the general poptical and economic picture in the United States when the aboptionist movement began to make itself felt.这就是废奴运动开始时美国的政治和经济现状。

4.Frederick Douglass became one of the most important leaders of the aboptionist movement to end slavery in the United States.弗雷德克·道格拉斯成了结束美国奴隶制的废奴运动最重要的领导人之一。

5.Backlash against the law helped fuel the aboptionist movement and increased participation on the Underground Railroad.人们对此法案的强烈不满,为废奴运动火上浇油,也使得越来越多的人参与“地下铁路”逃亡。

6.The gag rule made great numbers of people in the North very angry. Because of it, these people began to support the aboptionist movement.这项规定使得大多数北方人很气愤,正因为如此,这些人开始支持废奴运动。