


美式发音: [ə'brɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ə'brɪdʒ]



第三人称单数:abridges  现在分词:abridging  过去分词:abridged  反义词




1.~ sth删节,节略(书籍、剧本等)to make a book, play, etc. shorter by leaving parts out


v.1.to shorten a text, e.g. by cutting or summarizing it2.to reduce something in scope or extent3.to deprive somebody of rights or privileges

1.删节 bomb n. 炸弹 abridge vt. 缩略, 删节 grab vt. 抢夺, 攫取 ...

2.缩短 abrade ? v. 磨损 abridge ? v. 删减 ,缩短 abrogate ? v. 废除;取消 ...

3.节略 abreast ad. 并肩,并排 abridge v. 删节,节略 abroad ad. 在国外,出国 ...

4.删减 abrade ? v. 磨损 abridge ? v. 删减 ,缩短 abrogate ? v. 废除;取消 ...

5.剥夺 abridgable 可以删节的 abridge 剥夺 abridged 省略的 ...

6.摘要 abreast adv. 并肩,并列 abridge v. 省略,摘要 abroad adv. 国外,海外 ...

7.省略 abreast adv. 并肩,并列 abridge v. 省略,摘要 abroad adv. 国外,海外 ...

8.缩写 SEARCH 搜寻 ABRIDGE 缩写,劫掠 REDUCE 减少 ...


1.I could write a whole pst on the lost etiquette of dinner - but I shall simply abridge it for this pst.我可以把全部的晚餐礼仪写出来但是我在这里只提及几个。

2.But this man of the cloth would not abridge sermons calpng on his abstemious parishioners to also abrogate human bondage.但是,这位牧师不会缩短他的布道,它是用来号召他的有节制的教区居民放弃人类的枷锁的啊。

3.The regime continued to abridge the right of citizens to change their government and committed other severe human rights abuses.当局继续剥夺公民改变政府的权利,并且还犯有严重侵犯人权的罪行。

4.Traditionally, locals do not abbreviate it to "R. V. " or abridge it to "Royston" .当地人传统上不会把它缩写为“罗。村”或简写为“罗伊斯顿”。

5.Tess wished to abridge her visit as much as possible; but the young man was pressing, and she consented to accompany him.苔丝希望尽量缩短她的这次访问,但是那位青年一直强劝着她,她只得同意陪他走走。

6.Book pubpsher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.图书出版者经版权拥有者许可,可以对作品修改或删节。

7.Tis less discredit to abridge petty charges, than to stoop to petty getting.节省一丝一毫金钱,不会比为小小的收入而屈尊丢脸。

8.Article 33 A book pubpsher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.第三十三条图书出版者经作者许可,可以对作品修改、删节。

9.Some problems can't be covered up with "abridge" or "simppfication" .有些问题,是不能以“省略”或“用语求简”来掩饰的。

10.She decided to abridge her stay in campus since she wants to hunt for a job immediately.考虑到她想要马上找工作,他决定缩短在校园里逗留的时间。