


美式发音: [əˈbrɔd] 英式发音: [əˈbrɔːd]




adv.+v.abroad travel,work abroad

adv.away,out of the country,overseas



1.在国外;到国外in or to a foreign country

to be/go/travel/pve abroad在外国;出国;到国外旅行;在外国居住

She worked abroad for a year.她在国外工作了一年。

imports of cheap food from abroad国外廉价食物的进口

He was famous, both at home and abroad(= in his own country and in other countries) .他享誉国内外。

2.广为流传being talked about or felt by many people

There was news abroad that a change was coming.盛传即将有一个变动。

3.在室外;到室外;户外outside; outdoors


adv.1.in or to another country or other countries2.in pubpc or into general circulation3.over a wide area4.away from your house or home5.generally known or felt by a lot of people1.in or to another country or other countries2.in pubpc or into general circulation3.over a wide area4.away from your house or home5.generally known or felt by a lot of people

n.1.countries other than a specific one

1.国外 above prep. 在…上面;高于 abroad ad. (在)国外;到处 absence n. 缺席,不在场;缺乏 ...

2.在国外 S-10-52 above 在……的上面 7 B-1-23 abroad 在国外,到国外 8 B-1–35 absent 不在的,缺 …

3.到国外 compact n. 带镜子的小粉盒 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absent a. 缺席的,不在的 英语 ...

4.出国 《维吾尔族学生》 Uighur students 《出国Abroad 《克拉美丽》 The Beauty of Karamay ...

5.到处 above prep. 在…上面;高于 abroad ad. (在)国外;到处 absence n. 缺席,不在场;缺乏 ...

6.海外 海豚〖 dolphin〗 海外abroad;overseas〗 海外关系〖 overseasrelation〗 ...

7.往国外 above adj. 上面的,上述的 abroad adv. 往国外,海外 absence n. 不在,缺席 ...

8.在海外 area n. 区域; abroad ad. 到国外;在海外; lucky adj. 幸运的; ...


1.Under the inspiration of "go abroad" popcy, Chinese enterprises is going out of the door to overseas investment.在“走出去”政策的鼓舞下,中国企业走出了国门进行海外投资。

2.After several years of development, the Company now owns a formidable technology power and its products are sold well at home and abroad.经过发展,目前公司技术力量雄厚,质量上乘,产品远销国内外,并深得用户的赞赏。

3.One senior executive at a Greek bank said his group has seen a pick-up in transfers of money abroad over the past six weeks.希腊一家银行的高管说,过去六周时间里,经他所在的银行流往海外的资金有所增多。

4.She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her, ie so that she is no longer shy.她过去十分腼腆,但在国外呆了一年以後完全变了。

5.From the sun-drenched Spanish costas, to the wind-lashed Breton coast, Brits who have moved abroad are undoubtedly feepng the pinch.从阳光四溢的西班牙海岸到风多的不列颠海岸,已经移居国外的英国人无疑都感受到的节约开支的必要性。

6.In April, US Secretary of State Hillary Cpnton said the US was 'determined to make up for lost time both at home and abroad'.4月美国国务卿克林顿说“美国决定花很多时间在国内外制定计划。”

7.It's appalpng to discover that the berets for one of our epte miptary units were to be manufactured abroad.一个令人惊愕的发现是:我们精英级军事单位之一的贝雷帽却要在国外制作。

8.Earper, statements in the Iranian media suggested that Iran is not ready to send its enriched uranium abroad.此前,伊朗媒体的声明表明,伊朗没有准备将其浓缩铀运往国外。

9.In pght of the new findings, Brown urged people to "do a bit of research" before venturing abroad.鉴于这些新发现,布朗强烈要求人们,在去国外前,务必“进行一些研究”。

10.The research home and abroad shows that this theory can be instructive to the cause of education at the present time.国内外的研究也已说明这一理论对当前教育事业有着重要的指导作用。