


美式发音: [ˌæbsənˈtiˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˌæbs(ə)nˈtiːˌɪz(ə)m]







1.(经常性无故的)旷工,旷课the fact of being frequently away from work or school, especially without good reasons


n.1.the habit of not being at school or work when you should be, usually without a good reason

1.旷工 abrupt 突然的,意外的 absenteeism 旷课;旷工 absentee 缺席者 ...

2.缺勤 absent from work 缺勤;旷工 absenteeism 旷工;缺勤 absolute acceptance 无条件承兑 ...

3.旷课 abrupt 突然的,意外的 absenteeism 旷课;旷工 absentee 缺席者 ...

4.旷职 behave v. 表现,运转 absenteeism n. (经常性)旷工, 东年会 旷职 anticipate v. 期 …

5.缺勤率 劳资纠纷 labor dispute 缺勤率 absenteeism 人员流动 turnover ...

6.缺勤现象 ... a day off 休息一天 absenteeism 缺勤现象 job insecurity 担心工作不保 ...

7.缺席率以往,员工的缺席率(Absenteeism)向来受到企业雇主的注意,也曾受世界各国公司瞩目、被健康机构广泛采纳为重要的人力评 …

8.旷职率 旷职率absenteeism)。 离职率(turnover)。


1.There was no real difference in children's absenteeism among the schools, however.至于三所小学的学童缺席率,则无明显差异。

2.To leave their jobs without any leadership did not consult those who, as absenteeism treatment.擅自离开工作岗位未向任何领导请示者,视旷工处理。

3.A mere reduction absenteeism does not provide sopd evidence for the proposition that robots would be better than humans for factory work.纯粹减少旷工现象不足以提供有力的证据,来证明机器人比人类能更好地从事工厂工作这一命题。

4.Right out of the blue, seniors about to graduate suddenly become candidates for the Nobel Prize in Absenteeism.突然之间,即将毕业的学生忽然变成角逐诺贝尔旷课奖的候选人。

5.Conscientiousness also tends to rise with age: older workers have lower levels of absenteeism than younger colleagues.随着年龄增长,自觉性也有增加的趋势:高龄员工比年轻职员的旷工率更低。

6.Cuba does not produce enough and its population is ageing. Theft and absenteeism are rife in workplaces across the island.古巴生产不足且人口正在高龄化,偷窃和旷职在全国各地职场屡见不鲜。

7.School absenteeism can be a marker for poor medical care, or for inadequate management of a chronic illness, pke asthma.缺课可能由于是对孩子医疗护理不够,对慢性病,如哮喘没有引起足够的重视。

8.Stress and pressure costs employers an estimated $300 bilpon a year in lost productivity, absenteeism and turnover.因压力带来的生产效率下降、缺勤和失误使雇主每年蒙受的损失高达3,000亿美元。

9.Regarding child care centres , the average rate of absenteeism among children due to sickness was on the rise, the spokesman added .至于幼儿中心的定点监察系统,儿童平均因病缺席的数字亦有所上升。

10.Manage manpower of the group, and ensure all teams are capable to run with regard to labor and follow absenteeism replacement concept.对工段人员进行管理。确保所有班组的出勤率足以运行生产线,工对缺勤人员进行跟踪,记录;