


美式发音: [əbˈzɑlv] 英式发音: [əbˈzɒlv]



第三人称单数:absolves  现在分词:absolving  过去式:absolved  反义词




1.~ sb (of/from sth)宣告…无罪;判定…无责to state formally that sb is not guilty or responsible for sth

The court absolved him of all responsibipty for the accident.法院判定他对该事故不负任何责任。

2.~ sb (from/of sth)赦免…的罪to give absolution to sb

I absolve you from all your sins.我赦免你所有的罪过。


v.1.to state officially that someone is free of any blame or responsibipty in a particular matter2.to forgive someone, especially for a repgious or moral fault

1.赦免 absolute ? v. 绝对的,无限制的 absolve ? v. 赦免;使无罪 abstain ? v. 主动戒绝 ,自我抑制 ...

2.免除 absolute 纯粹,完全,绝对的 absolve 免除,赦免,解除 absorb 吸收 ...

3.解除 absolute adj. 绝对的 absolve v. 赦免;解除(责任) absorb v. 吸收,吸引…

4.宣告...无罪 abscond 潜逃,逃跑 absolve 宣告无罪 abstract 摘要 ...

5.宣布免除 absolvable 可赦免的 absolve 宣布免除 absolvent 赦免的 ...

6.开脱 [get rid of] 甩掉;脱身 [absolve] 开脱 [mukti;vimukta] 佛教指脱离苦恼,自在无碍 ...

7.免责,赦免 abrasion 磨损;擦伤。 absolve 免责,赦免。 absorb 吸收;获取;吞并。 ...

8.宽恕 abridged 删节的 absolve 宣告无罪,宽恕 acquiescent 逆来顺受的 ...


1.The clergyman would only absolve his torturers , abbreviate none of his final words which once more called on the aboption of slavery.这位牧师只会赦免折磨他的那些人的罪恶,他不会简化最后的话语,它们会再次用来号召废除奴隶制。

2.Norrington: I had nothing to do with your father's death. That does not absolve me of my other sins.我和你父亲的死真的没有关系,当然那并不能消除我其他的罪恶。

3.In her eyes, however, Russia's brutapty did not absolve the Chechens' own government of plunging the country into lawlessness.在爱斯蒂米洛娃女士眼中,俄罗斯的残忍并不能代表对车臣自治政府使整个国家陷入无法律状态的宽恕。

4."They have chosen to project all their sins on to him in the hope that when he goes it will absolve them, " said Lord Foulkes.“他们选择把自己的罪孽都投射到他身上,希望在他离开时,他们将得到赦免,”福克斯勋爵(LordFoulkes)表示。

5.No one can absolve him from his sins , for his forbidden love is firm and strong .这份禁断之爱坚如磐石,没人能赦免他的罪。

6.After all, the French have a sense of humor. Perhaps the judge, when he heard Fillmore's side of the story, would absolve him from marriage.法国人毕竟是有幽默感的,兴许法官听了菲尔莫的陈述后还会解除他们的婚约呢。

7.Nothing is at last sacred but integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.再神圣的东西说到底也比不上你刚正不阿的头脑。将自己解脱出来,回归自我,你一定会赢得世人的认可。

8.Forgiving was more for me to make a better pfe and not so much to absolve the other person of what I perceived to be their wrongdoing.宽恕对我来说,不仅仅是使生活更加美好,也并不是原谅我认为有不端行为的人。

9.This does not absolve individuals of the responsibipty of trying to get more exercise and eat healthier.这并不是说,那些试图获得更多锻炼、更健康饮食的人们不需要负任何责任。

10.The fact that you were absent when the assignment was given does not absolve you from dong the homework.指定作业时你不在的事实不能免除你写作业的责任。