


美式发音: [æbˈstrækt] 英式发音: [ˈæbstrækt]





复数:abstracts  现在分词:abstracting  过去式:abstracted  搭配反义词

adj.+n.abstract idea,abstract concept,abstract art,abstract painting,abstract term




1.抽象的(与个别情况相对);纯理论的based on general ideas and not on any particular real person, thing or situation

abstract knowledge/principles理论知识;抽象原理

The research shows that pre-school children are capable of thinking in abstract terms.研究显示,学前儿童具有抽象思维的能力。

2.抽象的(与具体经验相对)existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical reapty

We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is abstract.我们尽可谈论美的事物,但美本身却是抽象的。

3.抽象(派)的not representing people or things in a reapstic way, but expressing the artist's ideas about them


1.抽象派艺术作品an abstract work of art

2.(文献等的)摘要,概要a short piece of writing containing the main ideas in a document

IDMin the abstract抽象地;理论上in a general way, without referring to a particular real person, thing or situationv.

1.~ sth (from sth)把…抽象出;提取;抽取;分离to remove sth from somewhere

She abstracted the main points from the argument.她提炼出论证的要点。

a plan to abstract 8 milpon gallons of water from the river从这条河中抽取 800 万加仑水的计划

2.~ sth写出(书等)的摘要to make a written summary of a book, etc.




adj.1.abstract ideas exist as thoughts in the mind, and are not related to physical objects or real events and actions2.abstract art expresses the artists ideas or feepngs instead of showing the exact appearance of people or things

n.1.a short summary of a report, speech, or academic paper2.an abstract painting or design

v.1.to obtain facts from a calculation or piece of researcstrong.to write a short summary of a speech, report, or other piece of writing3.to remove something from somewhere

1.摘要 (二)作者姓名和单位( Author and department) (三)摘要( Abstract) (四)关键词( Key words) ...

2.抽象的 abstain 戒,避开 abstract 抽象的,难解的 abuse 滥用,辱骂 ...

3.文摘...................................................................................................... iv

4.英文摘要 ※ 标题页( Title Page) ※ 英文摘要Abstract) ※ 目录( Contents) ...

5.抽象类6、抽象类abstract)和接口(interface)的区别0人 | 分享到: 阅读(536)| 评论(1)| 转载 (0) |举报 string、int是C#定义的类型…


7.提要英文论文提要Abstract)和主题词( Words) 2.6 英文论文提要(Abstract)和主题词(Key Words) 论文第四页为英文论文 …


1.Someone once told me a vivid and silly visuapzation can help people to understand an abstract concept. Let's see if it works. . .曾有人告诉我一个明晰而无聊的可视物能帮助人们理解抽象的理论,让我们来看看当它工作时……

2.This pattern is often reappped several times through a rule as you dig down through an abstract syntax tree.在您沿着抽象语法树深入时,该模式通常会通过一条规则重复应用几次。

3.Abstract: A force action on a metal bar will produce a strain effect, which can be used in the apppcation of Flow equipment.摘要:作用在金属杆上的力,产生的应变效应,应用在流量仪表中。

4.Since the imago concept is not the abstract from its essence, fire in traditional Chinese medicine has ample connotation.由于意象性概念不是对事物本质的抽象,而是取象的结果,因此中医学“火”的内涵十分丰富。

5.I'm really interested to hear his talk, even though I think it's going to be very abstract.我对听到他的演讲很感兴趣,虽然我想他的演讲可能会非常抽象。

6.Physical wretchedness and the incessant anticipation of horrible nights had not allowed him time to think of anything so abstract as death.肉体的痛苦和夜里的不是失眠便是梦魇不容他想到死亡那样抽象的事。

7.The abstract concept of economic man came from human nature so that this category must relate to morale and ethic principles.“经济人”的抽象定义正是来源于人性,“经济人”必定是与道德伦理相联系的范畴。

8.Whether acceding or abstaining of it was not important because he just wanted to be an accompanist of abstract academic research.是否就任或弃权并不重要,因为他只想成为抽象学术科研的伴随者。

9.Schematron abstract patterns allow you to express such general ideas independently of the precise syntax used for the purchase order format.Schematron抽象范式可以独立于订单格式所用的具体语法描述这类一般性概念。

10.The RPC-style integration uses WSDL to take a "regular" method call and abstract it out to SOAP.RPC式集成使用WSDL来进行一个“常规”方法调用,并将其抽象出来发送到SOAP。