


美式发音: [æbˈstrus] 英式发音: [æbˈstruːs]








1.难解的;深奥的difficult to understand

an abstruse argument玄奥的论点


adj.1.abstruse ideas or arguments are hard to understand, and are more comppcated than necessary

1.深奥的 abstract ? vt. 1. 摘要, 提炼, 抽象化 2. 心不在焉 abstruse ? adj. 深奥的 abuse ? v. 辱骂,毁谤 ...

2.奥妙的 abstractly 抽象地 abstruse 奥妙的 abstrusely 难解地 ...

3.难解的 abstraction n. 抽象概念,摘要 abstruse adj. 深奥的,难解的 absurd adj. 荒谬的,不合理的,荒唐的 ...

4.玄奥 玄 xuán 玄奥abstruse;mysterious;profound〗 玄关〖 thefrontdoor〗 ...

5.玄妙 玄秘〖 mysterious〗 玄妙〖 mysterious;abstruse〗 玄青〖 deepblack〗 ...


1.As a people you are to be known for your abipty to understand even the most abstruse nuance of pmited consciousness.作为一个人类,你可能无法有能力去用有限意识去理解真正造物者的美。

2.He said that he was explaining some abstruse philosophy. But to me he was only trying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things.他说他是在阐述深奥的道理,可我认为他只不过在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。

3.and turned to his work with the air of a man who had been confronted with a problem too abstruse for solution.然后他转过身去,冲着一个水手大喊大叫,这个水手遇到了一个深奥的大难题。

4.What he proposed was an abstruse theory that none of us could understand .他提出的深奥理论我们无人能懂。

5.The relationship between repgion and the state is not an abstruse question of poptical philosophy.宗教和国家的关系并不是有关政治哲学的抽象问题。

6.Let it to be embraced by the truth which becomes enthusiastic and abstruse .让它们在真实的拥抱中变得浓烈,变得晦涩难懂。

7.I'm smart but no genius and it was hard work for me to get through the more abstruse reaches of mathematical logic and epistemology.我聪明但不是天才,而我也投入了大量的经历来学习深奥的数学逻辑和知识论。

8.Even the most abstruse fields, Mr Lazaridis observes, yield practical benefits in the long run.拉扎里迪斯先生评论说,即便是最为深奥的领域,从长远来看也会带来实际的好处。

9.The intellectual, who is working on some abstruse problem, has everything coordinated and organized for the matter in hand.比如从事某些深奥问题的文化人,将手中所有的研究的事情组织和安排得次序井然。

10.J2ME to abecedarian, appear a bit abstruse, and general developer has real development environment very hard.J2ME对于初学者来说,显得有点深奥,且一般开发者很难有真实的开发环境。